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英国能否有朝一日成为一个无阶级社会?。Can Britain ever be a classless society?

美国被认为一个没有阶级的社会。The USA is reputed to be a classless society.

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人们都说美国是个无阶级社会。The USA is reported to be a classless society.

基督徒教会是真正没有阶级分野的社会。The Christian Church is a truly classless society.

近来我们一直听到关于“无阶级社会”的说法。These days we often hear about"the classless society".

近日来我们经常听到“无阶级社会”的说法。These days we often hear about "the classless society".

这些天我们经常听到有关“无阶级社会”的言论。These days we often hear about "the classless society".

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约翰·梅杰继续承诺一个“没有阶级的社会”。John Major followed on with his promise of the "classless society".

一个尖叫的职业运动员和五年级的垒球运动员比赛,实在是很没品。Screaming professional plays at fifth grade softball players is classless.

这一情况将发生在约翰·梅杰声称他要创造的“无阶级”社会之中!And this in a society which John Major claims he wants to make "classless"!

在宇宙的某个地方,存在一个纯粹的无阶级的民主。Somewhere in the universe, it appears, there exists a pure classless democracy.

首相称他要在英国建立一个无阶级划分的精英治国的社会。The prime minister claims he wants to create a classless meritocracy in Britain.

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这是制造一个所有人都平等的无阶级的社会的一个尝试。This is an attempt to create a "classless" society where everyone is on an equal footing.

在中国大致的社会等级中,这有点俗不可耐的城市气,可是还会持续多久呢?In China's supposedly classless society it is a little bit of urban snobbery. But for how much longer?

美国以没有阶级的社会而著称。人们对社会地位的高低和工作性质的贵贱通常很少歧视和偏见。The USA is reputed to be a classless society. There is certainly not much social snobbery or job snobbery.

密道顿事件提醒英国,它尚未达到它所向往的无阶级社会,如果英国曾达标的话。The Middleton affair has reminded Britain that it has not yet achieved its aspirations of a classless society. If indeed it ever had them.

金正日已经开始试图控制被他认为是“助长了个人主义和扰乱了无产阶级社会秩序”的市场。Kim has tried to throttle the markets, which he blames for "giving rise to egotism and collapsing the social order of the classless society."

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即使他最后赢了几个冠军,应该可以做到,那也将永远会和那个离开克利夫兰去迈阿密的决定联系在一起。Even if he wins a few championships, as he should, he will forever be linked to a classless decision to dramatize his leaving Cleveland for Miami.

它提倡通过无产阶级革命推翻资本主义,最终达到没有阶级差别的社会。The Manifesto suggested a course of action for a proletarian revolution to overthrow capitalism and, eventually, to bring about a classless society.

中华民族的发展这里说的主要地是汉族的发展,和世界上别的许多民族同样,曾经经过了若干万年的无阶级的原始公社的生活。Developing along the same lines as many other nations of the world the chinese people went through many thousands of years of life in classless primitive communes.