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所用的硅胶是饮用水安全型硅胶。This type of silicone is safe for potable water.

他能够被他可以被浇水,但必须是可饮用的水。He could be doused in water but it had to be potable.

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他们贪婪地一下就喝光所有的可食用的饮用水。They voraciously drank all the edible and potable water at one time.

人们也都进一步认识到喝洁净饮用水的重要性。People are also more aware of the importance of clean, potable water.

得考虑用银制的容器来盛饮用水,因为它们可阻止细菌生长。Consider silver containers for potable water as they resist bacterial growth.

有供应可饮用水的洗手池,有提供给员工使用的肥皂和手巾。Sink plumbed with potable water, plus soap and towels provided for employees.

虽然Nunes在否认,但是IBM的确是创造了更多的饮用水。Despite Nunes's demurral, IBM actually is working to create more potable water.

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市场上最贵的饮用水的价格体现在一件美术工艺品上。The highest market price for potable water today is reflected in an art object.

偏硅酸矿泉水是饮用矿泉水类型之一。The meta-silicic acid mineral water is one of the types of potable mineral water.

他们在许多水适于饮用的地方设置了净化系统。The set up purifying systems in dozens of places where the water was not potable.

现在对大多数发展中国家来说,饮用水的短缺是个大问题。Shortage of fresh potable water is a major concern for most developing countries these days.

还有一种可饮用水也是储存于手动泵。There is also a refillable potable water storage tank below grade that's also manually pumped.

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干旱可能减少饮用水的供应,并可以毁掉庄稼,造成食物稀缺。Droughts can decrease the availability of potable water and can ruin crops, making food scarce.

材质无毒、无结垢层,不滋生细菌,完全可用于饮用水管道的安装。PE pipe contains no toxin, no dirt, no bacterium, can provides the best choice of pipe for potable water.

如果确实如此,那么许多人就可以更容易获得生活的必需品——纯净的饮用水了。If it does then potable water, one of the necessities of life, may become easier for many people to obtain.

3月17日,洪都拉斯特古西加尔巴北部,当地人正在往圆桶中倾倒政府分配的饮用水。Locals load drums with government-distributed potable water in northern Tegucigalpa, Honduras, on March 17.

使用低水量马桶或无水马桶。不使用或少使用饮用水浇灌植物。Use Ultra low-flow water closet or composting toilet. Don't use or use little potable water to water plants.

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这看上去是小问题,但是大部分美国人都简单地用饮用水来做所有水能干的事。It may seem a small thing, but most of America simply uses its potable drinking water to do all water chores.

本港全年共耗食水9.16亿立方米,一九九七年则为9.13亿立方米。The consumption of potable water totalled 916 million cubic metres, compared with 913 million cubic metres in 1997.

从污水获得饮用水,对许多人来说,是一种在心理上难以接受的观念。The idea of obtaining potable water from waster-water is a psychologically difficult one for many people to accept.