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临床上往往伴发急性膀胱炎。Clinically often comorbid acute cystitis.

膀胱炎主要致病菌是大肠杆菌。Cystitis is main pathogenic bacteria is coliform organisms.

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腺性膀胱炎2例均中度阳性表达。It is middling positive expression in 2 example of Glandulose cystitis.

目的提高腺性膀胱炎的治疗效果。Objective To improve the therapeutic results of patients with glandular cystitis.

下尿路感染主要包括膀胱炎和尿道炎。Infection of road unloading make water basically includes cystitis and urethritis.

膀胱炎和尿道炎是长期应用留置导尿管的并发症。Cystitis and urethritis are complications of prolonged use of indwelling catheters.

目的探讨儿童嗜酸性膀胱炎的临床及CT表现。Objective To discuss clinical and CT features of eosinophilic cystitis in children.

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均通过活组织检查后诊断为嗜酸性膀胱炎。The final diagnosis of eosinophilic cystitis was made by cystoscopy and tissue biopsy.

结果,相当多的女生后来终生伴随着慢性膀胱炎的痛苦。As a result, a number of female students suffer from chronic cystitis throughout their lives.

目的研究绿激光治疗腺性膀胱炎的安全性和可靠性。Objective To study the security, reliability of GPV in the treatment of with glandular cystitis.

越橘浓缩物是治疗膀胱炎等疾病的一种灵丹妙药。One of the best ways to treat a bladder infection such as cystitis is with cranberry concentrate.

均在膀胱镜下或开放手术,组织活检后诊断为嗜酸性膀胱炎。The final diagnosis of eosinophilic cystitis was made by cystoscopic tissue biopsy or open surgery.

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腹痛常提示盆腔感染,耻骨上疼痛常提示膀胱炎。Abdominal pain is suggestive of pelvic inflammatory disease and suprapubic pain is suggestive of cystitis.

尸检中的这例膀胱已经被剖开显示了黏膜充血区,这是一例急性膀胱炎的病例。This bladder at autopsy has been opened to reveal areas of hyperemia of the mucosa. This is acute cystitis.

尸检剖开膀胱显示充血粘膜,是急性膀胱炎的表现。This bladder at autopsy has been opened to reveal areas of hyperemia of the mucosa. this is acute cystitis.

本文就支原体在急性肾盂肾炎、急性膀胱炎中的致病作用及治疗进行了讨论。The pathopoiesis of mycoplasma in acute pyelonephritis and cystitis and their treatment were also discussed.

CTX静脉冲击疗法极少造成出血性膀胱炎而且不会产生膀胱癌。Pulse CTX is only rarely associated with hemorrhagic cystitis and has not been associated with bladder cancer.

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我们报告一个骨盆腔脂肪增多症合并囊状膀胱炎及慢性膀胱化生的病例。We report a case of pelvic lipomatosis associated with cystitis cystica and chronic metaplasia of the urinary bladder.

目的探讨腺性膀胱炎的超声影像特征,以提高识别该病的能力。Objective To explore the specific sonographic appearance of glandular cystitis and improve the identification of the disease.

轻度放射性直肠炎8例,轻度放射性膀胱炎6例,重度直肠炎1例。Slight radioactive rectitis were in 8 cases, slight radioactive cystitis were in 6 cases, and sevious rectitis was in 1 case.