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所有的一切都建筑在突出的地基上,海拔高过四周的沼泽地。Everything built on raised foundations, above the level of the boggy land around.

夏天,在亚极地针叶林地带的沼泽遍布的原野或乡村,出行亦将变得缓慢而艰难。Summer travel in the boggy lands, or muskeg country, of the Subarctic's taiga was also slow and arduous.

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研究小组也将年轮记录的火灾历史与沼泽草甸中沉积的木炭进行了比较。The team also compared charcoal deposits in boggy meadows within the groves to the tree-ring fire history.

文祥还没有醒,他实在太累了,像一滩烂泥,软软地躺在石隙剜空处。Wen Xiang wasn't awake yet. He was really too tired. He felt like a stretch of boggy ground lying feebly between stones.

通过抑制肺中该酶系,病毒使体液渗漏进气囊,使之机能衰竭而无效。By blocking that enzyme system in the lungs, the virus allows liquid to leak into the air sacs, making them boggy and inefficient.

他的飞机就死在沼泽丛林山顶,他注意到一个相当令人印象深刻的瀑布使数千英尺下降。His plane got stuck in the boggy jungle on top of the mountain and he noticed a pretty impressive waterfall plunging thousands of feet down.

一年中的这个时候,地表以下三十厘米都是沼泽,再下面是永冻土,几百米的深度以下全年都是冻土。At this time of year the top 30 centimetres of soil is a boggy mess, beneath it is permafrost, earth frozen all year to a depth of several hundred metres.

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夏天他们赶着驯鹿向北迁移一路上穿过沼泽区、杜鹃花似的灌木丛和被风吹打的桦树。In summer they wander northwards, taking their reindeer with them, across a landscape of boggy ponds, rhododendron-like shrubs and wind-blasted birch trees.

这一发现是由一连串该区域近几年的报告得到的,原先冻结的沼泽地正在不断融化并释放越来越多的甲烷。The discovery follows a string of reports from the region in recent yearsthat previously frozen boggy soils are melting and releasing methane in greaterquantities.

赵薇饰演的东吴公主孙尚香,是有勇气有胆色的精灵,也是崭露头角的战士,为电影里战争场景之间带来必不可少的轻喜气氛。Zhao Wei plays East Wu princess Sun Shangxiang, a plucky sprite and budding warrior, adding much-needed comic relief to a film that gets boggy between fight scenes.