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钛酸钡就是一种典型的位移型铁电体。Barium titanate is a typical ferroelectric substance.

该双层膜有良好的铁电性能。The film exhibits excellent ferroelectric properties.

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具有电热效应的铁电材料就可以作为新型致冷材料。These ferroelectric materials could be used as a cryogen.

铁电陶瓷平板显示器是一种新型的平板显示器。Ferroelectric ceramic flat panel display is a new kind of FPDs.

采用柠檬酸盐法制备铌酸锂铁电薄膜。The citrate method was adopted to prepare LiNbO3 ferroelectric film.

研究了NBT基陶瓷的铁电特性。The ferroelectric properties of NBT-based ceramics were investigated.

而且,SBN在制备过程中能够避免PZT等铁电材料的铅污染的问题。And the SBN thin film can avoid plumbum pollution of PZT ferroelectric material.

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作为铁电电容的电极材料,铂是使用最为广泛的金属。Pt has been widely used for the electrode materials of ferroelectric capacitors.

压电和铁电测试暗示了样品具有大的压电和铁电性。Piezoelectric and ferroelectric tests imply big piezoelectricity and ferroelectricity.

它提供了由表面能密度确定铁电临界尺寸的方法。It provides a way to determine the ferroelectric critical size from the surface energy.

某些碟状近晶相液晶具有铁电和热电性质。Some smectic mesophase liquid crystal exhibit ferroelectric and pyroelectric properties.

钛酸钡作为一种典型的铁电材料,往往被用来研究铁电相关特性。As a typical ferroelectrics, BaTiO3 is always is used to study feathers of ferroelectric.

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研究了以环氧树脂EP为基的TGS铁电复合材料的热电弛豫现象。The Pyroelectric relaxation of TGS ferroelectric composites based on EP has been studied.

这是利用高分辨成像研究位移型铁电体极化的基础。This makes it possible to research the polarization in a ferroelectric substance by HRTEM.

钛酸钡是应用和研究最多的铁电体之一。BaTiO3 is one of most widely used ferroelectric materials and has been extensively studied.

推导出描述铁电电容电气特性的新模型。A new model is developed for describing the electrical behavior of ferroelectric capacitors.

聚合物材料的研究和应用整合,如焦热电感应器。Research and ferroelectric polymers and their application to integrated pyroelectric sensors.

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近代所发明的铁电陶瓷具有优良的检测能力。Development of the ferroelectric ceramics in recent years has led to superior detection ability.

而另一方面,铁电陶瓷是一种十分脆的材料,其断裂韧性仅为左右。On the other hand, ferroelectric ceramics are extremely brittle, with fracture toughness as low as.

最后简要地指出了铁电薄膜的理论与应用研究的前景。Finnlly, it is concisely pointed out the prospects of ferroelectric thin film study and applications.