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我屏住呼吸问道。I asked breathlessly.

林惇夫人向前探身,上气不接下气地倾听着。Mrs Linton bent forward, and listened breathlessly.

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你知道这意味着什么吗?“You know what this means?” he finished breathlessly.

“你拿了钱快跑吧,”我母亲上气不接下气地说。Take the money and run on, ' my mother said breathlessly.

她的声音使我身不由主地凑上前去屏息倾听。Her voice compelled me forward breathlessly as I listened.

“不,”她缓和地说,“我可不爱好拳击赛。"Oh, no, " she said breathlessly. "No, I wouldn't like fights.

冬生的头往又福嫂怀中拱,嘴巴张开,气喘吁吁。Dongsheng buries his head in her bosom, and opens his mouth breathlessly.

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巨量的访问淹没了公共网络,“拒绝服务”攻击使爱沙尼亚的政府网络瘫痪,有人认为这是俄罗斯黑客对北约成员国的首次直接攻击。Some breathlessly called it the first direct Russian attack on a NATO member.

他凝神屏息地观看那蜘蛛试图第三次结网。He breathlessly watched the spider attempt to spin its web for the third time.

他聚精会神地看蜘蛛企图第三次结网。He watched breathlessly the spider attempt to spin its web for the third time.

“出什么事了?”他屏住了呼吸,但在她的瞪视下,他觉得自己丧失了勇气。"What's wrong?" He began breathlessly , but felt himself wither under her stare.

我喘息着说道,她把我带到二楼走廊深处的一间黑暗的屋子里。I asked breathlessly as she set me down in a dark room somewhere off the second-story hall.

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伊格那拉看着他,大气都不敢出一下。她当然知道和乌尔都克有“异见”会有什么下场。Ignara watched him breathlessly . She knew what fate befell those who disagreed with Urduuk.

她累得气喘吁吁,也一直在流汗,可是她的双手还是紧紧呵护着背上的小孩。She was tired breathlessly and sweated heavily, but she held tightly on the boy on her back.

一回到家,便上气不接下气地告诉他妈妈那堆小猫咪里有两只是男孩的,两只是女孩的。On returning home, he breathlessly informed his mother there were two boy kittens and two girl kittens.

Tirri是诺基亚研究中心的头头,同时也是一个对未来手机设备的超狂热份子。Tirri is head of Nokia's Research Centre, and is breathlessly enthusiastic about the potential of mobile devices.

库马思的太太代氏正在逛着花谷百货的浴室用品区,库马思喘着气到了。Daphne Kugelmass was in the bathroom-accessories department at Bloomingdale's when Kugelmass arrived breathlessly.

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茅台迷们喋喋不休地引述茅台酒的革命血统,并迅速地将其与香槟或苏格兰威士忌加以比较。Moutai fans breathlessly cite its revolutionary pedigree and are quick to compare its refinement to Champagne or Scotch.

说明会现场的观众起立都向他报以热烈的掌声,科技板块的博主们立即就通过微博发布了此条消息。The audience at Apple's event gave him a standing ovation and tech bloggers immediately and breathlessly tweeted out the news.

报纸对她们的一举一动紧追不舍,如衣著、血拼、狂饮、奢宴,以及争风吃醋。Newspapers report breathlessly on their outfits, shopping outings, drinking sprees , dinner reservations and competitive habits.