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对不起,今天学校事情比较多。Sorry, school got ahold of me today.

我如何得到我的阿霍德信用报告?How do I get ahold of my credit report?

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我一直想与她取得联系但她一直没回家…I've been trying to get ahold of her but she was never home.

你听着,小鬼,当我派的人到你那个乡下小镇去找不到你的时候,我还很担心哪。Listen, kid, I was worried when I couldn't get ahold of you in that hick town.

我只是觉得要求陪审团掌握这些东西有一点过份了。And I just think that's asking the jury to grasp ahold of a little bit too much.

这时候,哥要一只手握住她的手,一只手扶住她的腰。At that time, the elder brother to one hand holding her hand, a ahold of her waist.

怎样首次在线截取电报?他们操作着这些方法。How did the first telegraph intercepters get ahold of the lines? they conned their way.

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她一手扶住额头,深深叹了口气,决心让自己冷静下来。She put her hand to her forehead and sighed deeply, determined to get ahold of herself.

我偶然间得到了他的电子邮件,我给他发去了邮件传达了我的支持和我对他音乐的想法。I got ahold of his email address and emailed him once to give him my support and my thoughts of his music.

沃尔玛百货、家乐福和阿霍德等企业,在各国一家接著一家设立大型卖场,提供了各种平价零食和汽水。In country after country, companies such as Wal-Mart, Carrefour and Ahold have opened giant stores offering a wide variety of cheap snacks and soft drinks.