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远离发狂的群众,灰尘,烟和喧嚣。Away from the madding crowd, dust , smoke and din.

热闹喧嚣的场面下,蕴涵着浓重的虚幻感和荒诞意识。The"Madding Crowd"conceals the deep sense of illusion and absurdity.

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它彻底的治愈了发烧的烦恼和人们的疯狂症。It thoroughly cures the feverish worries and madding minds of beings.

研究解决了火炮大比例缩尺模型的设计方法和制造手段。The design of huge rate artillery model and madding methods were solved.

一字不识的母亲,用她无边大海一样的广阔,洗净了我一直卑微而狂乱的内心。Mother, absolutely illiterate, washed my low-down and madding heart with her broad love like the boundless sea.

它来自赞比亚乡村森林高高悬挂的蜂窝,远离污染、杀虫剂和疯狂的人群。It comes from beehives hung high in the forests of rural Zambia, far away from pollution, pesticides and madding crowds.

中国人会告诉你,熙熙攘攘的人流,或者已经睡在同一张床上的陌生人,并不会妨碍你美美地眯上一会儿。The madding crowd or a stranger already slumbering in the same bed is, the Chinese will tell you, no obstacle to a good nap.

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我承担的部分是本套软件中的三维动画设计与制作,包括了软件的整体分析和开发过程。The part I assume is the design and madding of three-dimension cartoon, including the whole analysis and developing process.

本艺术中心就是继承并发扬光大其艺术精髓,研究制作仿古之精品。Our arts center is simply descending and carrying the art essence forward, as well as studying and madding fine antique ceramics.

的禅意归隐,一路与世无争,以取舍,塑造宁静的生活环境,与周围的喧哗形成鲜明的对比。Zen Hermitage, all the way to the madding crowd, to choose, create a peaceful living environment, with the surrounding noise contrast.

然而在1609年,与其它人不同,一批人来到新墨西哥州的圣菲城定居,他们就是后来的新墨西哥人的祖先。Meanwhile, far from the madding crowds back east, the future inhabitants of New Mexico were settling a town of their own-Santa Fe, founded in 1609.

泰隆人将遵循自己一贯的品质承诺、务承诺和信誉承诺,把顾客满意当作我们的最高追求!Tailong people will keep to its persistent quality quarantee servic3e guarantee and credit guarantee madding customer satisfaction as our topmost pursuit.

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在文学艺术日益从神圣的精神殿堂“沉沦”于喧嚣的大众生活的时下,重读邓以蜇在20世纪20年代有关文艺功能的精辟见解,有一种净化灵魂的感觉。When literature and art are falling from the "holy spiritual palace" down to the madding crowd, re-reading Deng Yizhe's ideas in 1920s purifies my spirit.

携手那凛冽的风,飘零的雪,经营着侵人心骨的季节,全然一副与世无争的样子,不必中庸,不必流连。Hand in hand and that cold wind, and scatter snow, runs invade people's minds bone season, looked completely a madding crowd, without moderation, do not linger.

故事发生在美国的一个偏远小镇,这里的人们与世无争,过着平静的生活,但是灾难却在一夜之间降临到他们的头上。Story takes place in a remote town in the United States, where people madding crowd and live a quiet life, but the catastrophe has come in overnight, to their head.

置身于宁静与纯净的优雅中,远离城市生活的混乱与烦躁,客人感受到的是无比的惬意与舒心。Within a luxurious setting of serenity and pure tranquillity, guests are cocooned in total comfort and refinement, away from the frenzy and madding chaos of the city life outside.

在我的话题中,这两种互相矛盾的诱惑,一种是投身于权力游戏争名夺利的渴望,另一种是远离尘嚣平静生活的渴望。Now in my topic, the two temptations, one to abandon ourselves in the power arena and the other to live peacefully far from the madding crowd, are always conflicting with each other.

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她有很多开心的事、有不满的事、要工作、还会用网络语言,她不止是我心里的文艺的安静地与世无争的女生。She has a lot of happy things, are dissatisfied with something to work, but also with the network language, she not only literature and art in my heart quietly madding crowd of girls.