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我把那根树枝锯掉了。I sawed the branch away.

选择启发式分支。Pick a branch heuristic.

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他将那树枝折下来。He broke that branch off.

三大部门各司何职?。What does each branch do?

他砍掉一根枯干的树枝。He cut away a dead branch.

手上持有幼嫩的树枝。The branch of a young tree.

又有湿燥和凉燥之分。And dry and cool dry branch.

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数学是科学的一个分科。Math is a branch of science.

一条蛇缠绕在树枝上。A snake winds round a branch.

这棵树开始抽枝了。The tree began to branch out.

植物的刺是退化的枝。Thorns are aborted branch es.

一个树枝戳进你的眼睛。A branch pokes you in the eye.

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他是我们的支部书记。He is secretary of our branch.

橄榄枝象征着和平。Olive branch symbolizes peace.

光学是物理学的一个分科。Optics is a branch of physics.

存在论是这类研究的中心思想。Ontology is its central branch.

本店新设分店下周开业。Our new branch opens next week.

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几只鸟栖于树枝上。Some birds roosted on a branch.

你最常去的是那一间分店?Which branch do you usually go?

不要把那系在枯树枝上。Don't tie it to that old branch.