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阿曼是世界上最东面的阿拉伯国家。Oman is the world"s easternmost Arabian country.

洛斯托夫特是英国最东面的城镇。Lowestoft is the easternmost town in great britain.

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圣罗马是最东面地区,和Tenao接壤。Saint Roman is the easternmost tip, bordering the Tenao.

占据西印度群岛最东端岛屿的一个国家。A country occupying the easternmost island of the West Indies.

画廊在东湖行吟阁北侧三角洲东端。Gallery East Lake in the north Delta easternmost Hangyin Club.

在瓦罗兰的最东面,是被冰雪覆盖的寒冷极地。Valoran's easternmost pole is bitterly cold and covered in ice.

玛曲断裂位于东昆仑断裂带的最东段。Maqu fault is the easternmost segment of the East Kunlun active fault.

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迷你汪卡湖座落于加拿大班夫国家公园的最东端,呈之字形,占据了班夫市正东北处的弓河谷。At the easternmost tip of Canada’s Banff National Park lies Lake Minnewanka.

它曾经是罗马帝国最东边的界河。It once marked the border of Rome's empire, the easternmost edge of their domain.

该区域的构造高点位于最东端的海上气藏垂直水下3004英尺。The structural crest of the field is at 3004 ft TVDSS in the easternmost offshore pool.

如泰山是五岳中最东的一座,因而名为东岳。For example, Tai Mountain is called "East Yue" as it is the easternmost one of the five.

丹东市郊还是中国长城东段的源头。Meanwhile, the outskirts of Dandong are home to the easternmost section of the Great Wall of China.

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位于中国中部太原的这个古墓中的发现标志着古代的欧州血统出现的最东部地区。The tomb, in Taiyuan in central China, marks the easternmost spot where the ancient European lineage has been found.

在这张图片的左上方是被冰雪覆盖的俄罗斯的最东端。The easternmost reaches of the Russian Federation, blanketed in snow and ice, appear in the upper left corner of this image.

帝汶岛是印度尼西亚群岛的一部分,也是努沙群岛的最大和最东部分。The island of Timor Leste is part of the Indonesian archipelago and the largest and easternmost of the Lesser Sunda Islands.

布里斯班是昆士兰的首府,大致坐落在澳大利亚的最东端,并毗邻新南威尔士州的边界。Brisbane, the capital of Queensland, sits roughly at the easternmost point of Australia, near the border with New South Wales.

另一组类群发生从最东端的东开普省向中央夸祖卢-纳塔尔省,基利波山之间的森林和图盖拉河河。Another group of taxa occurs from easternmost Eastern Cape to central KwaZulu-Natal provinces, between Gilboa Forest and the Tugela River.

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今天还将会展现腰带恒星最东侧的恒星参宿一,其位于影像的右侧底部,由著名的马头星云和焰火星云围绕。Today's also presents the easternmost belt star, Alnitak, at the bottom right of the field, surrounded by the well-known Horsehead and Flame nebulae.

教堂东端的三个环形花格窗,宽约8.5米,高约21米,是意大利花格窗中的精品。Church spent the easternmost of the three ring lattice window and a width of 8.5 meters, about 21 meters high, is Italy spent lattice window boutique.

横沙岛位于长江入海口的最东端,因横亘于长江口,故名横沙。Hengsha Island is located in the easternmost part of the estuary of the Yangtze River. It's named by Hengsha Island because it's across the Yangtze River.