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谁觉得是一厘米?Who guesses one centimeter?

在中国是用十进位制。We go by the centimeter in China.

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常见的体积单位是立方厘米。Common units of volume are cubic centimeter.

有人愿意猜一猜吗?想想,一厘米。Anybody want to guess? You know, a centimeter.

那是以厘米为单位。中国用厘米为单位。That's in centimeters. We use the centimeter in China.

是否所有的线路都计费仪或厘米吗?Does all the cables are caculated by meter or centimeter?

如果在室内种植,在罐子里装7.5厘米深的土壤。If you plant inside, fill a 7 and 1.5 centimeter pot with soil.

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人脑每立方公分有一亿多个细胞。Human brains have more than 100 million cells per cubic centimeter.

最初用量不超过0.5毫升每平方厘米烧伤皮肤。Initially use no more than 0.5cc per square centimeter of burned skin.

这只红喉鹦身长15厘米,翼展27厘米,喉咙和胸部皆呈赤褐色。It is about 15 centimeters in length with a wingspan of 27 centimeter.

跟鹅管一样,大约每百年才长出一厘米。Like the goose straw, it grows for one centimeter per 100 years or so.

压强的绝对单位等于每平方厘米达因。The absolute unit of pressure equal to one dyne per square centimeter.

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在你家洗碗槽的排水管里,每平方公分可以藏有七万七千五百多只细菌。Over 77,500 bacteria per square centimeter can live in your sink drain.

在你们家里的下水道有超过每平方厘米的77.500细菌。Over 77,500 bacteria per square centimeter can live in your sink drain.

径仁率与硬壳厚度显著负相关。Kernel weight per centimeter was significantly negative in shell thickness.

厘米是分米的十分之一,或者说是米的百分之一。The centimeter is one-tenth of the decimeter or one-hundredth of the meter.

米、厘米、毫米是用来丈量长度的单位。大型。Meter. centimeter a new goodd millimeter units used to meas beingure length.

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有一次,王羲之在木板上刻字,后来刻字的人发现墨汁渗入木板有三尺深。Then the engraver found the ink had penetrated one centimeter into the wood.

布兰柯一定是一厘米一厘米不停地在墙上打洞!Bronco must have been digging the wall centimeter by centimeter without cease!

界面张力的度量单位通常为达因/厘米或毫达因/厘米。Interfacial tension is commonly measured in dynes or millidynes per centimeter.