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一种只有两种状态的信号。A type of semaphore with just two states.

玉里站北的臂木式号志机。Semaphore signals at north of Yu-Li Station.

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寿丰站北的臂木式出发号志机。Semaphore signals at north of Shou-Feng Station.

然后它自动地减少信号的计数值。Then it atomically decreases the semaphore count.

不要长时间锁住信号量Donâ ™t lock a semaphore for a long period of time

我错误地使用未命名的信号变量?Am I incorrectly using the unnamed semaphore variable?

信号是包含有一个正数的资源。A semaphore is a resource that contains an integer value.

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万荣站北的臂木式进站号志机。Arrival semaphore signals. North of the Wan-Rong Station.

这会唤醒对这个信号量进行阻塞的所有线程。This wakes up any of the threads blocked on the semaphore.

平溪线十分站内的进站臂木信号机。Arrival semaphore signal at Shi-Fen Station, Ping-Hsi Line.

万荣站北的臂木式出发号志机。Departure semaphore signals. North of the Wan-Rong Station.

平溪线十分站内的出发臂木信号机。Departure semaphore signal at Shi-Fen Station, Ping-Hsi Line.

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在忙碌的服务器上出现信号量超时是很常见的。It is common for semaphore timeouts to occur on a busy server.

暮色中的寿丰站北臂木式进站号志机。Semaphore signals in the darkness. North of Shou-Feng Station.

基隆站内的号志楼及小型臂木号志机群。A signal box and miniature semaphore signals at Keelung Station.

你进去,如果屋里有情况,就发信号!You're going into the room,if there's some activity, semaphore !

死循环中一般包括阻塞或等待一个信号量。The endless loop typically involves blocking, or waiting, on a semaphore.

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注意,信号量超时并不一定表示性能问题。Note that semaphore timeouts do not always indicate a performance problem.

一个旗语标识符的最大号码的系统宽度限制。SEMMNI A system-wide limit on the maximum number of semaphore identifiers.

花东线上最后的臂木式信号机,海端站北。The last semaphore signals of Hua-Tung Line. North of the Hai-Tuan Station.