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在你家也开始学一次北欧传统吧。Start a Nordic tradition in your house.

北欧的侦探经常疲惫而不修边幅。The Nordic detective is often careworn and rumpled.

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北欧的桦树很久以来就特别引人注目。The Nordic birches have long been of special interest.

丹麦是最小的也是最南端的北欧国家。Denmark is the smallest and southernmost Nordic country.

团体比赛中增加了跳台滑雪和雪橇比赛。Team events were added in Nordic combined and ski jumping.

北欧国家丹麦上周末全境突降暴雪。Nordic countries Denmark, dump heavy snow throughout the weekend.

冰岛的人口起源北欧人和凯尔特人。The original population of Iceland was of Nordic and Celtic origin.

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普兰威尔建立于1995年,于1999年在北欧股票交易市场上市。Cybercom founded in 1995 and listed on the Nordic Stock Exchange since 1999.

现在,美国不应该也不能简单地复制北欧模型或者任何一个其他的模型。Now, America should not and cannot simply copy the Nordic model or any other.

在欧洲北部,有一片广阔的繁荣地区,即充满活力的北欧地区。In the north, there is a vast region of prosperity, a zone of Nordic dynamism.

诺基亚公司在这个北欧小国经济体中显得异常庞大。Nokia is an outsized part of the small Nordic country's economy -and self-image.

相比而言,北欧国家的高级女商人状况要相对明朗。By comparison, Nordic countries boast better conditions for senior businesswomen.

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滑雪三项全能包括越野滑雪赛、跳台滑雪和速度滑雪和跳跃滑雪混合项目。Nordic skiing includes cross country racing, ski jumping and the Nordic Combines.

第四章都柏林核心元数据应用项目研究。Chapter 4 DC Metadata Application Projection Study It studies Nordic metadata project.

越来越多的军事使命和不竭增添的采办军器的费用使北欧列国的军费极端匮乏。More missions abroad and rising costs of kit have left all Nordic forces cash-strapped.

在网页的一个小角落,看到他们列出瑞典肚皮舞同行的名字,找到了一个马尔默的老师,喜出望外。I found the list of Belly dancing teachers in Nordic countries and one in Malmoe online.

从某种程度上讲,答案是解决北欧模式成功应对的那些问题。In one way or other the answer is to solve these issues that the Nordic model does well.

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由参加NOTCH08的北欧和中国自由乐手组成的临时阵容。A temporary ensemble formed at NOTCH08 consists of free improvisers from Nordic and China.

在西贝柳斯的音乐中,你可以清楚地感受到北欧,尤其是芬兰的气息。In Sibelius's music, you can clearly feel the Nordic region, particularly Finland's flavor.

对于北欧地区的男性来说,偏好金发的另外一个可能的原因是为了确保他们的父亲身法。Another possible reason for Nordic gentlemen preferring blondes is to assure their paternity.