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他显得并不严肃。He did not seem reverential.

品格高尚的人也是尊重他人的。The man of character is also reverential.

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人们每次提起他的名字,语调中几乎总是充满了敬意。His name was always mentioned in almost reverential tones.

上帝的爱是一种责任,但尊敬的担心是主要的情感。Love of God is made a duty, but reverential fear is the predominant emotion.

敬畏神-“敬畏”在此处有虔敬的信靠神的含义。Fear of God –"Fear" in this phrase has the sense of reverential trust in God.

在上午较清闲的时段,这条街道会有一种几乎令人顿生敬意的肃静。The street in the softer hours of the morning has an almost reverential quiet.

这也许是想要实现印度独立的第一个尝试。This was perhaps the first attempt at a reverential realisation of India as our motherland.

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查尔斯对于大自然永恒和自然的力量怀有保守主义者的虔诚态度。Charles has the conservatives' reverential attitude towards the enduring and natural forces of nature.

与此同时,湖人队正在用几乎尊敬的语调谈论这场像是一种宣泄的胜利。The Lakers, meanwhile, spoke of their victory as if it were a cathartic event, almost in reverential tones.

这位被尊称为“老师和主”的耶稣,以仆人的方式来服事那些社会地位远低于他的人。Jesus – someone called by the reverential terms "Teacher and Lord" – performed a menial task on persons well beneath him on the social ladder!

展馆里挤满了悄无声息的士兵和少先队员,所有陈列品向他们展示,他们的领袖们是怎样得到全世界人民的爱戴。The place was packed with hushed soldiers and reverential young pioneers, all duly being shown just how much their leaders were loved by the rest of the world.

这个时刻,我能够感觉,在我的绝对自由的精神的故乡,我所敬爱的那些人类的先哲们正在朝一个地域汇聚,神情从容而坚定。At this moment, I can feel, in my absolute free spiritual homeland, my reverential human sages are gathering together toward a region, in resolute composed looks.

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如果你曾经暗恋过一个人,哪怕这个人是和你吵过架的小表哥,你也会真切地明白,这样的眷恋是多么的诚惶诚恐和患得患失。If you've ever had a crush on a person, even if this man is and you fight little cousin, you also can really understand, so the nostalgic is how of reverential awe and swayed lost.

但是,打坐是一个广义词,比许多人理解的要广泛得多,虔诚的僧侣形象代表的仅是打坐世界实际包含的一个微小部分。But meditation is a much broader term than many people realize, and the reverential monk image respresents only a minute fraction of what the world of meditation actually consists of.

事实上她也真地试图自杀过。她堵了卧室的房门,三天里除了面包和水什么都不吃。但对父亲的敬重和害怕终又让她断了死的念头。And she had in fact tried to die, barring her bedroom door and eating nothing but bread and water for three days, until she was overcome by the reverential terror she felt for her father.

世俗历史学家相信是狗吃了耶稣的尸体,而他的侍者杜撰了一个将他虔诚掩埋的故事作为一种应对机制。There are even a few secular historians who believe that Jesus' body was eaten by dogs, and that his acolytes fabricated the story of a reverential entombment as a sort of coping mechanism.