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是的,我是一个藏书者。Yes, I am a bibliophile.

我的父亲是一位藏书家。My father is a bibliophile.

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Illustration“嗨,我的名字叫Gary,我是一个藏书家。”Hi, my name is Gary, and I am a bibliophile.

泰德喜爱所有与书籍有关的事物。他真是一个爱书人。Ted loves everything about books. He is a real bibliophile.

哎呀,忘了提及您是在藏书绘图。Oops , forgot to mention you are in the Bibliophile drawing.

你是一个书虫,并且同时拥有大件工具、木材以及够宽敞的阁楼吗?Are you a bibliophile with power tools, ready access to lumber and an open loft?

如果你是一个藏书我将出售在下周许多对开纸,使望。If you're a bibliophile I'll be selling many folios in the next week so keep looking.

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这些书贾带来大量珍本、秘本,为钱谦益成为当时最大的藏书家做出了不容低估的贡献。They brought about a lot of valuable books that to a great extent made Qian Qianyi the greatest bibliophile at that time.

对从外地诗集,美国记者和藏书谁也说成年人和儿童光的诗句。A volume of poetry from Field, the American journalist and bibliophile who also wrote light verse for adults and children.

周作人不仅是中国现代著名的作家和评论家,也是一位有影响的藏书家。Zhou Zuoren is not just a famous author and critics in Contemporary History of China, but also an influential bibliophile.

和一个书呆子约会是严肃的事情,只有一个藏书家才能听懂晦涩的简奥斯丁引语或与奥斯卡·王尔德的俏皮话并驾齐驱。Dating a book nerd is serious business, and only a fellow bibliophile can keep pace with the obscure Jane Austen references or the conversation sprinkled with the witticism of Oscar Wilde.