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恶习易染。Ill weeds grow apace.

杰克的习惯是不修边幅,这一习惯就像莠草一样总比庄稼长得快。Jack's habits are slovenly and like ill weeds grow apace.

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此项技术也在世界各地迅速发展。And the technology is also developing apace around the world.

在其他地方,图书业也在继续调整和改变。Elsewhere, the rearrangement of the book trade continues apace.

但愿我们的整容术能跟得上这些最新的科学发展。Let's just hope that cosmetic surgery can keep apace of these new developments.

新兴且发展迅速的产业所发行的股票,有迅速升值的趋势。A stock in a new or apace nonindustrial industry that tends to rise quickly in price.

年华易老,风流终被雨打风吹去---詹姆斯。贝蒂,诗人和哲学家。Old age comes on apace to ravage all the clime---James Beattie, poet and philosopher.

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欧足联2012年欧洲杯的准备工作因急速倒计时而加速。Preparations for UEFA EURO 2012 have gathered speed as the countdown continues apace.

在所有的谷中,听得到溶雪的滴答之声,而湖上的冰在迅速地溶化。The sinking sound of melting snow is heard in all dells, and the ice dissolves apace in the ponds.

亚洲的债市今年有望创下纪录,欧洲公司也在飞快地筹集资金。Asia's debt market is on pace for a record year, and European companies are also raising money apace.

十九世纪后期,复函数的理论迅速地发展。The development of complex function theory proceeded apace in the latter part of the nineteenth century.

虽然Lubuntu没有发行基于正式版的衍生版,但是在这一段时间内,Lubuntu发展还是在持续快速的增长中!Whilst Lubuntu failed to gain official derivative status this cycle development nevertheless has continued apace.

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如今在欧洲一个新阶级正在快速成长,它被称为下层阶级或亚阶级。Today in Europe there is a new class which is growing apace that has come to be known as the underclass or sub-class.

虽然地震灾区还没有爆发重大疾病,卫生防疫工作还是在迅速进行当中。Despite no major disease outbreaks so far in quake-hit regions, health and epidemic prevention efforts continue apace.

这个变化逼迫他们重新思考数字营销的未来,“这样的趋势正在发生,而且快速地发生。This change coerces they ponder over the future of digital sale afresh, "Such trend is occurrent , and apace happening."

伴随着市场经济的快速发展以及经济全球化的影响,微利将是我们要长期面对的一个客观现实问题。Coupled with the affect of grow apace of market economy and global economics, meager profit will become to a reality problem.

暮色迅速降临,有—两颗星星已经出现了,而西方夕照的余霞依稀可见。Twilight was coming on apace and a star or two was already out, but the remains of the sunset could still be seen in the west.

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同样的事情在b园,老师则是快速地跑过去,查看孩子是否摔伤了,然后鼓励孩子爬起来。Same thing is in B garden, the teacher is apace runs over, examine the child to whether fall, encourage the child to climb next.

软银向移动电话公司的新转型正在疾速进行。不过,它在资本市场上翻云覆雨的本领并未改变。Softbank's latest reinvention, as a mobile firm, proceeds apace. But the company's ability to churn through cash has not changed.

朝鲜外务省发言人星期三说,朝鲜的“试验性”铀浓缩项目正在取得迅速进展。North Korean Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Wednesday that the country's "experimental" uranium enrichment program is "progressing apace.