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如何提高技能和领导能力?How can skill and leadership competency be developed?

我们有完成任务的技术和能力。We have the skill and competency to meet the challenge.

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此时,正是你开始考虑经济能力的时候。That’s when you start to think about financial competency.

本文以“民诉证据资格研究”为题。This essay is titled with A Research on the competency of evidence.

第三章,建筑物区分所有权人管理组织之主体资格。Chapter three , the managing competency of ownership-divided building.

其核心竞争力是发展中国家香味的蜡烛和空气清新剂。Its core competency is developing scents for candles and air fresheners.

第三个问题是特殊种类的证据的证明力的问题。The third question is of the competency of particular kinds of evidence.

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在中国江苏太仓拥有研发和生产基地。We are now in Taicang, China our competency center for the China market.

有时候它需要4到5年才能达到一定的水平,Sometimes it takes 4 or 5 years in order to get some level of competency.

培养教育方案规划能力与兴趣。To cultivate students' interest in and competency of the program planning.

请在评级栏内填上为每个能力评分。Please insert the numerical score for each competency in the rating column.

结论受审能力评定表具有较好的实用性。Conclusion The Competency to stand trial Determining Instrument is feasible.

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外国学生应具备中国语文能力。Foreign students must have an adequate level of Chinese language competency.

选择“构念效度”法验证之前建立的乡镇卫生院院长胜任力模型。Select"Construct Validity"tests the competency of head in township hospital.

一个公司的成功与它的管理人员的能力直接相关。The success of a company is directly related to the competency of its managers.

宽带薪酬作为一种新型的薪酬设计方法,近年来受到我国企业界和理论界的关注。Then the paper combines the new competency model and broadbanding to design a co.

您可以通过对您的知识管理程序中增加一个技能框架来做到。You can do this by adding a competency framework to your talent management program.

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事实上,科技应用能力现在已经被纳入了宝洁的绩效考核体系中,成为关系到每个员工绩效考核成绩的一个指标。In fact, technology competency now factors in to every employee's performance review.

第三章为建立研发人员胜任特征模型的方法和步骤等。Chapter iii indicates the establishment of R&D competency model approach and the steps.

芒格毫不留情的说道,"那些知道他们自己能力有限的人是安全行事的,而那些不知道天高地厚的人则是危险的."People who know the edge of their own competency are safe, and those who don't, aren't.