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实验中测量了食品摄取量和粪便排出量。During the experiment food intake and faecal output were measured.

不可溶性纤维在增加粪便体积与预防便秘中起着重要作用。Insoluable fibre plays an important role in faecal bulking and prevention of constipation.

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地下水被发现受到粪便污染物由于污水灌溉。The groundwater was found to have suffered faecal contamination due to the wastewater irrigation.

自河中取样的标本显示,每百毫升的大肠菌含量达到一百五十万。Samples from the river show the water has 1.5 million faecal coliform bacteria per 100mL of water.

这支手所携带的粪大肠菌是可接受值的170倍。粪大肠菌是一种存在于人体粪便中的细菌。It boasted 170 times the acceptable level of faecal coliforms which are associated with human waste.

图5。饲粮纤维及不可被消化多醣类促进粪便排出量之机制。Fig 5. Mechanism of action of dietary fiber and undigested carbohydrates in increasing faecal weight.

很少证据可以指引临床医师选择对于大便失禁病人的药物选择。There is little evidence to guide clinicians in the selection of drug therapies for faecal incontinence.

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如果排泄物之类的东西中带有病毒,那病毒就有了另外一种传播途径。If virus shedding is detected in faecal matter, this would introduce an additional route of transmission.

吲哚,花香调。有厌氧感的、动物性的奶酪味。稀释后呈现出粪便味。Indole has erogenic- floral , animalic, cheese odour and flavour, which becomes slightly faecal on dilution.

其中一支带有多种细菌,包括粪大肠杆菌群,数量之高足以造成其使用者严重胃部不适。One harboured levels of bacteria, including faecal coliforms, high enough to give its user a serious stomach upset.

损伤严重者,有严重合并损伤者应行结肠造口术。Colostomy was performed for selected cases of colon wounds associated with multiple other injuries or gross faecal soiling.

每一次节食计划期过后,为了研究某特定新陈代谢产物的变化水平,Flint的研究团队都会对参与者的排泄物样本进行分析。At the end of each diet period, Flint's team analysed faecal samples from the men to look at levels of certain metabolic byproducts.

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杆菌性痢疾会直接经患者带菌者的粪便传播,或间接经受污染的食物和食水传播。Bacillary dysentery is transmitted directly by faecal material of a patient carrier or indirectly through contaminated food and water.

还可以培训农民,让他们在使用废水之前就通过沉淀来净化它,从而避免出现最坏的残渣问题。They could train farmers to allow the sediment to settle out of the wastewater before using it—thereby avoiding the worst of the faecal matter.

旅行者不需要获得霍乱疫苗接种证明,也没有必要通过直肠擦拭或粪便分析方法来筛查旅行者。Travellers do not require proof of cholera vaccination, nor is there a need to screen travelers by means of rectal swabbing or faecal analysis.

最好,马低粪蛋伯爵不应该在所有以确定减少了选择压力,驱虫阻力。Preferably, horses with a low faecal egg count should not be treated at all to ascertain a reduction of the selection pressure for anthelmintic resistance.

在随机试验中,以粪便潜血检查与软式乙状结肠镜进行的筛检皆显示降低大肠癌死亡率。Both screening with faecal occult blood test and flexible sigmoidoscopy have been shown to reduce mortality from colorectal cancer in randomised controlled trials.

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通过一种使用将亚甲基蓝染色透明纸浸在甘油中或放在玻片之间的技术,可在粪便标本中发现肠血吸虫病的虫卵。The eggs of intestinal schistosomiasis can be detected in faecal specimens through a technique using methylene blue-stained cellophane soaked in glycerine or glass slides.

对食物的污染来自茧丝、排泄物、蛀屑和虫体本身,已成为仓库的主要虫害,近年来对零售店危害也很大。Foodstuffs are contaminated by the silk, faecal material or frass, and the bodies of the insects themselves. A major pest of warehouses and, more recently, retail premises.

感染血吸虫的人或其它哺乳动物从粪便中排出虫卵,若粪便污染了水,虫卵被带进水中,在水里孵出毛蚴。Schistosome infected people or other mammals from the discharge of faecal egg, if manure contaminated the water, eggs were brought into the water, hatched miracidium in the water.