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我们生活在一个物质充足的世界。We live on a world of instant gratification.

我们生活在即时满足的文化中。We live in a culture of instant gratification.

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我儿子的成功对我来说是件很棒的快事。My son's success is a great gratification to me.

他利用职权来满足个人的私欲。He exploited his authority personal gratification.

蟹子实正须要的是心头的夸奖。What Crabs are really seeking is oral gratification.

卡罗靠在椅背上,感激涕零,满面红光。Carlo leaned back, his face flushed with gratification.

对于我,只是短短的一瞬间满足。For me, it was just a shortest instant of gratification.

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自由操作系统是为完全满意而设定的。Free operating systems are set up for instant gratification.

而且,从我自己的写作过程中,我也体会到满足感。And I take a great deal of gratification from my own writing.

学医就是一个迟迟无法领略成功喜悦的很好的例子。Medical training is an excellent example of delayed gratification.

我之所以喜欢这两个网站就是因为即时满足感。What I love about those two platforms is the instant gratification.

对于第一个吃螃蟹的人来说,那个推迟的满意可以真正地成为信念的行为。For first-timers, that delayed gratification can truly be an act of faith.

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电视是关于即时满足的,而网络是关于个人自我控制的。TV is all about instant gratification. The Net is about me having control.

“签入时交付”策略的优势在于马上产生的满足感。The Deliver on Check-in strategy has the advantage of instant gratification.

我们生活在对每个欲望瞬时满足的世界。We live in a world where we’re used to instant gratification of every desire.

他说,英国已成为贪图一时之快的“大胃王国”。He said Britain had become a "nation of grazers" seeking instant gratification.

“满意度是无止境的循环的”布卢姆说,“为什么呢?"The cycle of gratification is endless, " says Blum, "because what will happen?

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一种很简单的教会孩子延迟享乐的办法就是建立先做后玩的联系。An easy way to teach children to delay gratification is the chore-play connection.

因一时半刻的满足,有些东西总会诱惑人们丢弃未来。There will always be temptation to forsake the future for immediate gratification.

我们变得习惯于立即满足-在我们想要的时候得到我们想要的。We've become used to instant gratification -getting what we want, when we want it.