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什么导致了这个病?What cause the illness?

所以A导致了。B Therefore As cause Bs.

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可能是什么原因呢?What could be the cause?

疥螨会引起疥疮。Itch mites cause scabies.

使自切,自割,自截。To cause the autotomy of.

凡是正义的事业都是不可战胜的。A just cause is invincible.

你的灵魂正在被熊熊邺火炙烤。Cause your soul is on fire.

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是警察所造成的吗?。Did the policeman cause it?

原因在于健忘的人类。The cause is oblivious man.

这个就是内因。This is the internal cause.

你没有理由心焦。You have no cause to worry.

因为还是同样的躯干。cause it's the same torsel.

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因为我有实足的耐心。Cause my patience is strong.

它还能造成胃灼热。It can also cause heartburn.

这是成长因缘。This is the cause of growth.

什么是成长因缘?What is the cause of growth?

啊太好了,因为我很饿。Aah great, cause I am hungry.

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因为你骗走了我的心。Cause u took advantage of me.

冷的食物会导致克隆氏病吗?Does Cold Food Cause Crohn's?

大剤量能致命。Large dosage can cause death.