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我需要一份电视报。I need a TV guide.

你需要一位导游吗?Do you need a guide?

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你有电视节目报吗?Do you have TV guide?

且让我引导汝等。I will guide you now.

欢迎光临指导。Welcome to the guide.

一个向导救了井淳子。One guide saved Junko.

调节导叶的开度。Adjust the guide glade.

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德文是一个巫婆指南。Devin is a witch guide.

你有节目预告吗?Have you got a TV guide?

我是中青旅的导游。I'm the guide from CYTS.

我可以在那边雇到导游?Where can I hire a guide?

你有语音导览吗?Do you have an audio guide?

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我问导游穆罕穆德。I asked Mahmoud, our guide.

久保田f2450cb零件手册。Kubota guide f2450cb parts.

钛包覆线的指南。Titanium-coated line guide.

我就是乐先生,你们的导游。I am Mr Le. Your tour guide.

请给我看一下电视节目表。Please show me the TV guide.

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时,应装上顶针板导柱。Guide pin cleared and vented?

我是导游,叫尚华。I'm Shanghua, the tour guide.

这女孩子充任我们的向导。This girl acted as our guide.