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我替你放哨。I sentry for you.

空投一具可放置的步哨机枪。Airdrop a placeable Sentry Gun.

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哨兵看到我们时,大呼“站住”。The sentry cried "Halt" as he saw us.

哨兵看到我们时高呼“站住!”The sentry cried “Halt” as he saw us.

他们常常在雪夜放哨。They often stood sentry on snowy nights.

那步哨愕然地举起双手。The sentry held up his hands in astonishment.

使用手枪破坏正常的步哨防御枪。Destroy an active Sentry Gun using your Pistol.

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派了两个学生放哨。Two students were assigned to stand sentry duty.

哨兵守卫大门以防突然袭击。The sentry defended the gate against sudden attack.

哨兵拔剑向他直扑过去。The sentry made straight for him with a drawn sword.

在门口设了岗,检查出入证。A sentry was posted at the entrance to check the passes.

岗哨炮伤害增强设备改装件加成已应用。The sentry damage augmentor rig bonus is applied properly.

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因为知道危险势将发生,这哨兵加意戒备。Knowing that danger threatened, the sentry was on the alert.

第二个警卫把他的戟对准了牧师的胸口。The second sentry leveled his halberd at the parson's breast.

哨戒炮沉默了,地狱之门向森林敞开。The SENTRY GUNS are silent, and the GATES are open to the forest.

这样哨位机枪塔就不会向任何一位身着徽章的人开火。The sentry guns will not fire at anyone wearing a badge transponder.

一个叫做“哨兵”的计算机程序可以计算出每个近地天体未来40年的轨道。A computer program called Sentry projects each NEO’s orbit for 100 years.

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“监护官”岗哨无人机的最大控制范围,失准范围和跟踪速度得到提升。Boosted the curator sentry drone max range falloff and tracking improved.

3在海湾战争的沙漠盾牌行动中,是最早投入部署的飞机之一。E-3 Sentry were among the first to deploy during Operation Desert Shield.

游击队员扮小贩通过敌人的岗亭。The partisan disguised himself as a peddler and got by the enemy sentry box.