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罗伯特正得意扬扬地看着我。Robert was looking at me triumphantly.

但罗斯福成功地再次当选。But Roosevelt was triumphantly re-elected.

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总是成功地博得满堂喝彩?That always triumphantly brings down the house?

相信他从死亡中成功复活。Believe that He triumphantly rose from the dead.

团部的乐队用风笛奏起凯歌,迎入士兵。The regimental band triumphantly piped the soldiers in.

艾比兴奋地举起袖筒上明亮的黄色价签。Abby triumphantly held up the sleeve with the bright yellow tag.

王子随即胜利入城,成为贝拿勒斯的新国王。He entered the city triumphantly and became the new King of Benares.

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它的脸上带著大大的笑容,抬头挺胸的走出了乾井。With a big smile on his face, he triumphantly walked out of the well.

那些成功地经受了严峻考验的人们或许会污辱他的名声。Those who have triumphantly withstood such strains may brand his name.

他得意洋洋地跳下了阳台,张开“翅膀”,消失了。He leapt triumphantly from the balcony, spread his 'wings' and disappeared.

裸体骑单车的女子在桥上大摆造型,她们以一种洋洋得意的姿态高昂着下巴,冲着天。The women on bikes posed with their chins pointed triumphantly upward toward the sky.

“是个男娃!”他欣喜地叫着。“你当爷爷了,我当爹了!”"It is a man child! " he called triumphantly. "You are grandfather and I am father! "

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他突然眉头一扬,兴高采烈地一巴掌拍在方向盘上。His forehead creased for a moment, and then he slapped the steer?ing wheel triumphantly.

你的仇人在你的会场上咆哮狂谩,竖立起自己的旗帜作为凯旋纪念。Your fors have roared triumphantly in the holy place, and set up their banner of victory.

然后得意地俯在霸王龙的尸体上对着空中大声咆哮以来宣布它才是新的恐龙王者。He then stood triumphantly over T-Rex and roared into the air proclaiming himself the new champion.

“女士们先生们,摇滚起来,”MTV在第一次播放时这样召唤。“Ladies and gentleman, rock and roll,” MTV triumphantly declared at the start of its first broadcast.

二月份,在与汽车大亨们的会晤之后,萨科奇先生得意地宣布自己找到了办法。After meetings with car bosses, Mr Sarkozy announced triumphantly in February that he had got his way.

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我哥哥乔迪楞德拉驾驭着使我们的生活这样胜利奔腾的力量。Of these forces which so triumphantly raced our lives along, my brother Jyotirindra was the charioteer.

公元前29年,屋大维班师回到罗马,此时已身为罗马帝国至高无上的统治者。Octavian returned triumphantly to Rome in 29 BC as unchallenged master of the whole of the Roman territories.

接着,一片片的小雪花像烟一样轻,像玉一样洁,银一样白,飘飘洒洒,纷纷扬扬。Then, a small piece of snow as light as smoke, such as clean as jade, silver, like white, Durian have triumphantly.