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他昂首阔步走上了主席台。He stalked up the rostrum.

然后他向主席台走去。Then he advanced to the rostrum.

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他健步登上演讲台。He mounted the rostrum in vigorous strides.

我所说的讲台就是“rostrum”。The platform I’m talking about is a rostrum.

学生们把他轰下了讲台。He was hooted down the rostrum by the students.

那位讲演者在欢呼声中登上了讲坛。The speaker mounted the rostrum amid warm applause.

代表们的眼光都集注在大会主席台上。Every eye at the conference was focused on the rostrum.

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他用肘推著从人群中向讲坛挤过去。He elbowed his way through the crowd towards the rostrum.

本实新型属于一种可调节高度的演讲台。The utility model belongs to a height adjustable rostrum.

他从讲坛上向他们大声斥责,并且挥舞着拳头。From the rostrum he thundered at them and shook his fists.

坐在主席台上的那些人都是学校有头有脸的人物。Those who sit on the rostrum are somebodies of the school.

尊敬的客人在热烈的掌声中登上了讲台。Amid warm applause the honoured guests mounded the rostrum.

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在热烈的掌声中贵宾们登上了主席台。Amid warm applause the honoured guests mounted the rostrum.

使您的身体语言充满自信----别僵在讲台后面Keep your body language up-beat – don't stay stuck behind a rostrum

我第一次站在这个讲坛上向各位发表国情咨文演说是在七年以前。Seven years have passed since I first stood before you at this rostrum.

人生二十多年很少站在讲台上去多说什么的。Little more than 20 years of life on the rostrum to say what kind of boost.

在开幕式上,我们班的运动员迈着整齐的脚步走过了主席台。At the opening ceremony, our class athletes with neat pace through the rostrum.

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即便运动员获得了佳绩,欢呼的声浪,也是冲着主席台去的。Even athletes receive a success, hailed the noise is directed at the rostrum to.

滨海新区政协主席张同庆在主席台就座。Tianjin Binhai New Area Committee Chairman Zhang Celebration seated on the rostrum.

演讲台两边,坐着家长代表,教师代表和红领巾代表。On either side of the rostrum sat representatives of parents, teachers and Red Scarves.