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和服是日本的民族服装。Kimono is Japan's national costume.

和服是日本的国服。Kimono is the national costume of Japan.

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穿和服真的很不简单哩…这都是朋友帮我用的唷…Kimono is actually complicated to put it on.

但必须亲自去到那家专卖店才能拿到和服。The kimono had to be picked up at the boutique.

在她的红和服下藏有一把四四式手枪。Under her long red kimono she toted a forty-four gun.

想象着古代的人们穿着和服。Imaged the ancient people wearing the Japanese KIMONO.

这就是我们常看到的和服背后的装饰品。That is why we often see behind the kimono accessories.

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男人的和服通常暗蓝色、褐色、灰色或黑色。A man's kimono is usually dark-blue , brown, gray or black.

这就是我们常看到的和服背后的装饰品。This is what we often see the kimono behind the decorations.

她穿着和服、席地而坐,捧着酒壶。She wears kimono and sits on the ground, holding a whine pot.

一件兰色的和一件灰色的日本和服正在那间百货商店销售。A blue and a grey kimono are being sold in that department store.

后来,我看到一张摇滚明星身着和服的照片。Sometimes later, I found a photo of a rock star dressed in a Kimono.

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那对母女穿日本和服去观花太虚荣了,太没民族自尊了,大家指责是对的。The cherry blossom and the kimono are the symbol of Japanese culture.

其实和服是最接近于中华传统的服装——唐装。In fact , kimono is the most contiguous to traditional Chinese garments.

坦白地说,和服和其他的民族服饰一样的漂亮。Frankly, I think kimono as beautiful as other traditional national costume.

和服安全套在耐久性与韧性上已超过了国际标准。Kimono Condoms surpass international standards for durability and strength.

我穿的和服是MOE出品的,设计师还用上了童书的插图。The kimono I wore was MOE. The kimono artist also illustrates childrens books.

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和服安全套上市已超过17多年。Kimono Condoms have been in existence in the market for more than 17 years now.

在一张摇滚乐照片中看到一件古典花卉设计的和服感觉太酷了。It looked so cool to see a classic flower designed kimono in a rock 'n' roll picture.

我将会穿上黑色的中山装,而新娘子将会穿上白色的和服。I will dressing on the black Chinese tunic suit, and the bride dresses the white kimono.