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为了您的棉衣今天!Order your Parka today!

我还携带了一件派克式的外套。My carry-on item was a parka.

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手机在我的皮大衣口袋里响了起来。My phone rings in my parka pocket.

他捏紧皮外套上风帽的两边以挡住袭来的飞雪。He held both sides of the parka hood closed against the snow.

爱斯基摩人身体里没有这样一个基因,告诉他们如何缝制一件皮大衣。Eskimos don't have a gene that tells them how to make a parka.

金正日穿着一件派克式皮制大衣和与之相配套的厚手套。Kim was shown bundled up in a parka with matching thick gloves.

无论是和皮革还是西服或是便装和牛仔,当围巾滑过衣间,美感不言而喻。Skip the parka and pair it with a suit or a sport coat and jeans.

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一件防雨派克衫可以御寒防潮。A rainproof parka provides protection against wet and cold weather.

从地面上看,它就像一个戴着皮帽子的人头。From the ground, it resembles a person's head surrounded by a parka hood.

在我的一只手臂卡在皮大衣袖子的时候,胶布眼镜男抓住了我。Tape-Glasses caught me while I had one arm stuck in a sleeve of my parka.

B-7带帽子的外衣一直以来都是极为少见和可贵的。The B-7 Parka was in production for only one year making it extremely rare and valuable.

没法说更多的了——为了抵御寒冷,她把自己裹在一件不成样子的皮大衣里。It was impossible to tell more—she was bundled into a shapeless parka against the raw cold.

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他带了一件毛皮里风雪大衣,把它紧紧裹在身上,扯起风帽罩在头上。He had brought a fleece-lined parka and pulled it tightly around him, slipping the hood over his head.

对登山运动员式的派克外套无感?不用担心,又有一款外套于本季强势回归了。Not a fan of the parka? Don't worry, there's another jacket that's set to make a big comeback this season.

公司还完满发布了本季最新的两款的户外风格装备,经典的水手夹克和惊豔的哈德良登山风衣。Completing this latest drop are two incredible outerwear styles, the Deckhand jacket and Hadrian mountain parka.

这个城市首要景点是鹿回头公园,在那座长满了青草的小山上雕镂者一尊正在回头的小鹿。The citys principal place of interest is Luhuitou Parka grassy hill topped by a sculpture of a deer turning its head.

这个城市主要景点是鹿回头公园,在那座长满了青草的小山上雕刻者一尊正在回头的小鹿。The city's principal place of interest is Luhuitou Parka grassy hill topped by a sculpture of a deer turning its head.

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“篮子型”的艾莉森是一名病态撒谎者,她社交能力为零,身上那件大过头的大衣简直是一条安全毛毯。"Basket case" Allison is a pathological liar with zero social skills whose oversize parka is a handy security blanket.

无论是在今天发售的柔和色彩和生动的,80年代为灵感的颚,皮大衣的布盖布86是当时和现在的完美平衡。Offered both in today's subdued colors and a vivid, 80s-inspired palate, the Bugaboo 86 Parka is the perfect balance of then and now.

塞缪尔从床上挑了几件干净的衣服,一件一件套上,然后在厚厚的羊毛袜外面套上雪靴,拉紧皮大衣的拉链.Samuel picks through a pile of clean clothes lying on his bed and dresses in layers. He pulls his snow boots over thick wool socks and zips his parka.