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浸到糊状物里。Dip into the batter.

鸟在飞行中时高时低。Birds rise and dip in flight.

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他正要去掏她的钱包。He is going to dip her purse.

把一坨大便泡在福尔马林里。Dip a pile of shit in Formalin.

在低矮的门拱下要低头。Dip your head under the low arch.

热浸镀锌或天然色。Hot Dip galvanized or Self Colored.

浸塑搁物架,坚固耐用,易于清洁。Dip shelves, durable, easy to clean.

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两手入水时与肩同宽。The hands dip in with shoulder's apart.

罐装鹰嘴豆泥找到出口市场Canned chickpea dip finds export markets

别把我的红笔放进黑墨水里。Don't dip my red pen into the black ink.

图1带有鹅颈汲取管的钢瓶。Fig. 1 Cylinder with gooseneck dip tube.

啊,把我空虚的生命浸到那海洋里吧。Oh, dip my emptied life into that ocean.

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土司沾上打散的蛋液及牛奶。Toast dip with beat eggs and then milks.

笔是高粱杆一节,插入蘸笔尖。T is under a sorghum, insert the dip nib.

从井中汲取一满桶的水。Dip up a bucketful of water from the well.

不要把你受伤的手浸到水里。Don't dip you wounded hand into the water.

不要把你受伤的手浸到水里。Don't dip your wounded hand into the water.

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舀一大勺茴香菜薄荷酱汁,浇在汉堡一边。Spoon fennel and mint dip aside of the burger.

将面包浸入蛋液,使蛋液彻底包裹面包表面。Dip bread into egg mixture, coating thoroughly.

真空瓶,橡胶塞,短管和橡胶管。Flask, rubber stopper, dip tubes & rubber tube.