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观众哄堂大笑,欢声雷动!Laughter and cheers!

男孩们都在笑。Laughter from the boys.

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笑声渐渐消失了。The laughter died away.

笑对人生百态。Gestos laughter in life.

他刺耳地大笑。He brayed with laughter.

他哈哈大笑。He hooted with laughter.

我们狂笑。We howled with laughter.

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她呵呵地笑起来了。She brayed with laughter.

他哄然大笑。He exploded with laughter.

我几乎要笑死了。I almost died of laughter.

欢乐和笑声,到处!Joy and laughter everywhere!

笑不像饥饿。Laughter is not like hunger.

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此情此景使屋里的人顿时笑作一团。The room burst into laughter.

他最后哄然大笑起来。At last his laughter exploded.

笑意从她唇上渐渐消逝了。The laughter died on her lips.

我们都纵声大笑。We all screamed with laughter.

我真要笑死啦。I was ready to die of laughter.

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笑声没有外国口音。Laughter has no foreign accent.

有时在响亮的笑声中。Sometimes in peals of laughter.

整个房间爆笑。The room erupted with laughter.