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你需要来次大彩排。And you'll have a big rehearsal.

崔健还得继续排练。Cui Jian had a rehearsal to get to.

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所以我又回到了排练厅。So I went back into the rehearsal studio.

赖瑞和阿伦正在看彩排。Larry and Alan are watching the rehearsal.

梦是我们应对生活挑战的一次演练。Dreams can be a rehearsal for new challenges.

芭蕾舞团排演舞台上,由埃德加德加。Ballet Rehearsal on the Stage, by Edgar Degas.

他还是一位杰出的排练者与指挥者。He still is a remarkable rehearsal and director.

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最后,八一跳伞队为本次预演画上了句号。The rehearsal ended with jumps by parachute teams.

顺利的服装排练预示着演出成功。A smooth dress rehearsal augured well for the play.

我们冒昧邀请您参加我们的排练。We think you may like to participate in our rehearsal.

没问题。拿个椅子。我们准备好合练了吗?No problem. Grab a seat. We 'bout ready for a rehearsal?

在周六晚上,有一个全晚装彩排。On late Saturday night, there is a full dress rehearsal.

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我曾在排演了一次后拍掌道`好。So I smacked it once in rehearsal so I said, 'All right.

随后,亦名对孟妮说自己晚上还要排练便走了。Then, also said to Meng Ni night rehearsal goes even myself.

我刚从班里彩排完。I actually just came from a rehearsal for my directing class.

今天,我在伦敦城市中学男校彩排,Today, I was doing a rehearsal at City of London Boys' School,

周三早上最后一次的婚礼彩排在这里举行。A final wedding rehearsal took place there on Thursday morning.

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这场戏在排演时曾大得导演的赏识。It was the scene which had pleased the director at the rehearsal.

至少应在晨昏时进行一项实际操作练习。At least one dress rehearsal should be performed in dark twilight.

玫大叫起来,于是四姊妹的排练又一次在一片大笑声中结束了。cried Meg, and the rehearsal ended in a general burst of laughter.