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许诺还是威胁?Promise or Threat?

它感觉不到威胁。It feels no threat.

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他吼叫着发出恐吓。He snarled out a threat.

通货紧缩的威胁?The threat of deflation?

这将是你拥有的威胁。This will be your threat.

现在两者均面临威胁。Both are now under threat.

她知道李相花会对她产生威胁。She knew Lee was a threat.

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说异色倒是有一点。There was a threat of typhoon.

我不会被大话吓倒。I'm not spooked for the threat.

我的猫不会威胁到任何人。My cat is no threat to anybody.

飞机餐是否危害健康?Is airline food a health threat?

弗兰茨被她的威胁迷惑了。Franz was bewitched by the threat.

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这是部会让你毛骨悚然的电影。His threat chilled her to the bone.

你别想用威胁吓倒我。I've never overawed by your threat.

曼联的威胁来自于反击。United's threat was counter-attack.

你真想向他的威胁屈服吗?Do you want to submit to his threat?

阴云带来要下雨的征兆。The clouds brought a threat of rain.

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食肉动物对牧群是个威胁。Predatorsx were a threat to the herd.

它不涉及任何威胁或者武力。There is no threat or force involved.

污染给我们的生存造成很大的威胁。Caner pose a great threat to our life.