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但是这是堕落吗?But is this depravity?

是因为她们本性的堕落。Because of the nature of their depravity.

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愿意天涯天涯随你往。无论是救赎还是沦陷堕落。As you go to cape there. Whether redemption or subjugate depravity.

缫这个世界每天都有人在堕落,每天都有人在忧伤。Every day there are in the world, every day someone in depravity sorrow.

扴缆这个世界每天都有人在堕落,每天都有人在忧伤。Every day there are in the world, every day someone in depravity sorrow.

易受骗的求道者会失足,掉入堕落的陷阱。An unwary devotee may lose his foothold and fall into a pit of depravity.

我们用我们最美好的人性来回应那些最邪恶的暴行。We responded to the worst kind of depravity with the best of our humanity.

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这是什么样的堕落预示着,为我们的社会大众。Editorial on what this kind of depravity portends for our society at large.

菲茨杰拉德把现在美国梦的堕落归过与财富与特权。Fitzgerald attributes the depravity of the modern dream to wealth and privilege.

贾巴钟爱的“凯坦纳号”是雍容华贵和粗俗堕落的古怪结合体。Jabba's beloved Khetanna was an odd mixture of opulent splendor and crude depravity.

他开始游戏生活,吃喝嫖赌,彻底堕落为城市的行尸走肉。He started the game of life, drinking, total depravity as city of a dead-alive person.

我越来越感到自己意志的脆弱,感到自己无端的堕落!I feel the flimsiness of own will more and more, feel the depravity of own without cause!

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进步的教育家开始强调学生们内心的善与好奇,而非堕落。Progressive educators emphasized students’ inner goodness and curiosity, not inner depravity.

难道我的老师们是那么的善良,以致于无法理解我的堕落深度?Were my teachers, perhaps, so good that they could not understand the depths of my depravity?

尽管如此,它仍然是一个辉煌的帝国的机会都充满了神奇和堕落。Nonetheless, it remains a glorious empire of opportunity filled with wonders and depravity alike.

不要歧视任何人,没有道德底线的堕落者和贪官污吏除外。Do not discriminate against any person, no moral bottom line, except depravity and corrupt officials.

毫无疑问,她对自己的灵魂,对目前的堕落,对未来的命运,全然一无所知!Without question, she is equally in the dark as to her soul, its present depravity and future destiny!

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而亚他斯录则是爱神和生育女神,敬奉她的祭礼仪式已演变为败坏的淫行。Ashtoreth was the goddess of love and fertility but her worship had degenerated into orgies of sex and depravity.

每个老人都抱怨世界日益腐败,正在成长的一代人无礼傲慢。Every old man complains of the growing depravity of the world, of the petulance and insolence of the rising generation.

他们对堕落的丑陋和无形表现出一种渴望、一种优雅姿态、一种神秘感。They to depravity of ugly and invisible a kind of desire, a kind of elegant carriage, mysterious feeling for expressing.