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然后,在一段凄惨的文字中And then,in a deplorable passage

郡警察局长说性骚扰应受谴责。The Chief Constable said that sexual harassment was deplorable.

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所有这些评论都表现出了对他人不幸的轻视,真是可悲可叹。These comments are deplorable contempt for the misfortune of others.

那里的交通情况可悲可叹是尽人皆知的。It is common knowledge that the traffic situation there is deplorable.

“太阳这种模样是灭绝咒造成的吗?”迪格雷问。"Was it the Deplorable Word that made the sun like that?" asked Digory.

一位成员打电话给陈岩说整个国家的处境很悲惨。One member called Chen and told him the country was in a deplorable condition.

每一代人都相信世风日下,令人叹息。Every generation is convinced there has been a deplorable breakdown of manners.

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却是由于孤独与废弃所导致的衰弱,而这正是它凄惨的特色。Its deplorable peculiarity was, that it was the faintness of solitude and disuse.

如今的中国最可叹之处在于一个真正的右派团体的整体缺席。It is deplorable that in China there's simply an absence of an authentic right-wing camp.

正如我们和八国集团伙伴所明确表示,这些做法应受谴责,是不可接受的。As we and our G-8 partners have made clear, these actions are deplorable and unacceptable.

结果总是流血、仇恨、浪费资源和其它恶劣的情形。Bloodshed, hatred, waste of resources, and deplorable conditions had usually been the result.

与欣然接受新事物相对立的是对保护古迹漠不关心,反映了休斯敦黯淡可悲的另一面。The dark flip side of this openness to the new is a deplorable indifference to preserving the old.

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他发现那里的工人们忍受着悲惨的生活条件,工资微薄,贫困交加。He discovered that the miners there endured deplorable 3 working conditions and poverty-level wages.

可惜你不懂他的性格,孩子,没有别的原因,就是这种可悲的糊涂,才会让那个梦钻进你的头脑里。It is deplorable ignorance of his character, child, and nothing else, which makes that dream enter your head.

他说,虽然这两个国家做出了巨大的努力,但是难民们的情况仍然很凄惨。He said despite the tremendous efforts of those two countries, the situation for the refugees is deplorable.

驱逐过程中,环境恶劣,定期有人被与他人分开并处死。During the deportations, conditions were deplorable and men were routinely separated from the rest and executed.

但其他很多人认识他的行为是可悲的,我个人认为不足以因为这件事情而弹劾总统。But many other people regard his actions as deplorable. I personally think the president committed impeachable offences.

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这是可怜的少女受了薄幸的男子欺侮?还是不幸的青年受了轻狂的妇人的玩弄呢?Were they deplorable damsels molested by lascivious men? Or were they unfortunate young men dallied with by wanton women?

“派对女王”琳赛·洛翰名列其后,布莱克威尔说她的穿着品味已经从“可爱沦落为可悲”。Party-loving teen idolLindsay Lohanwas next, with Blackwell saying her dress sense had gone from "adorable to deplorable."

看到这些笔歌墨舞、旷世珍稀的佳作变成如此模样,怎能不让人心疼不己又心急如焚!Seeing these rare works of art in such a deplorable condition, how can one help feeling badly stung and filled with anxiety!