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爱生气有一个大鼻子。Grumpy has a big nose.

罗杰我们的暴躁引导者!Rodger our grumpy guide!

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我不再是那个脾气暴躁的人了。I wasn't as snippy or grumpy.

这老人是个脾气坏的长者。The old man is a grumpy elder.

这只脾气稍稍有些古怪的绿色怪物第四次出现在了我们的眼前。The fourth outing for the grumpy green ogre.

你在和坏脾气的配偶或情人生活在一起吗?Are you living with a grumpy spouse or partner?

糊涂虫长着大耳朵,爱生气有一张愤怒的脸。Dopey has big ears and Grumpy has a grumpy face.

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他们必须跟像我这种老顽固打交道。They have to deal with grumpy old farts like myself.

我的脾气这时候也会特别暴躁,令我周围的人怏怏不乐。I would be grumpy and cause those around me to be unhappy.

这会影响睡眠以及让人觉得昏沉和暴躁。It can affect your sleep and make youfeel groggy and grumpy.

而这时你万万不能生气,否则就是在"拒捕"。And don't get grumpy about it or you could be "resisting arrest."

我不知道什么事使他整天都不高兴,他脾气十分暴躁。I don't know what was eating him all day, but he was very grumpy.

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第一家咖啡厅拥有最不友善,脾气暴躁的经营者。That first business was owned by the most unfriendly, grumpy person.

惊人的周围,不能打开你的眼睛不好,失去方向感,脾气暴躁。Staggering around, can't open your eyes properly, disorientated, grumpy.

我爸爸是的脾气很暴躁,但是有些时侯他会用笑话来鼓励我。My dad was a grumpy guy, but occasionally he would cheer me up with jokes.

甚至连美国的偶像派,脾气暴躁的评判,西蒙科维尔大获赞赏。Praise even came from American Idol's normally grumpy judge, Simon Cowell.

它之所以看起来不爽是因为它反颌,皱纹和深色的肤色。He just looks grumpy because of his underbite, wrinkles, and dark complexion.

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也许测试这些应用的大多数人都是脾气败坏令人恐怖的老头,我不明白。Maybe the majority of app testers are grumpy but creepy old men, I don’t know.

也许其实没有那么凶狠和坏脾气,只是在我来晚了之后稍微有点不满。Well, maybe not really mean and surly—just a little grumpy when I'm running late.

但我可以想像,一个坏脾气的同事可能会对我的情绪造成巨大的影响。But I can imagine that a grumpy co-worker would have an outsize impact on my mood.