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因为肉体将我束缚。For I am bound with fleshly band.

所以在这个例子中,血统并不代表什么。Thus fleshly descent meant nothing in this instance.

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肉体的感官能包罗全体。Fleshly sense had been capable of grasping the whole.

这些向肉体及其欲望死亡的。Those who have died to the flesh and to fleshly desires.

这是建于信而非血缘关系的基础上的。The family of Abraham is based upon faith and not fleshly descent.

圣洁的生活应该埋葬在肉体情欲的坟墓内吗?Should divine life be immured in the charnel house of fleshly lust?

他们多次被异教庙宇崇拜的那些耽于声色的仪式所引诱。Many times they were enticed by the fleshly forms of pagan temple worship.

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肉体的意思是“反对神的态度”。肉体情欲又叫“旧的我”。Flesh means "attitude against God. " Fleshly lusts is also called "the old me. "

描绘了当灵魂依附于濒死的动物时人类肉体的窘境。Yeats describes mankind's fleshly predicament as a soul fastened to a dying animal.

饥饿是身体瘖哑的鼓,吞噬肉身的沉默,在西伯利亚的夜晚。Hunger a muted drum of the body devouring the fleshly silence of the Siberian night.

小姑娘的父亲,对未来不报任何希望,每天沉迷于自己肉体的欢娱。The father has no any hopes for the future and only indulges himself in fleshly pleasures.

从对“美学大讨论”的反思中,可以看到其中潜在的诸多病症,有精神上的,也有“肉体”上的。Rethinking the Great Discussion of Aesthetics, I can see many spiritual and fleshly diseases.

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这个躯体-,和上周站在这里的-,那个躯体是一样的吗?Well, is this the same body as the-- as the long bone-- ? a fleshly bone that was here last week?

这个躯体-,和上周站在这里的-,那个躯体是一样的吗?Well, is this the same body as the-- as the long bone-- ? a fleshly bone that was here last week?

这个世界的争战首先是针对人的肉身的欲望——人的偏见、贪婪、贪图。The world wages war by firstly playing upon one's fleshly desires -one's prejudices, greed, covetousness.

显然约翰派的一些人主张,耶稣是纯粹的神,而非凡人。Apparently some people in the Johannine community were claiming that Jesus was fully divine but not fleshly.

圣经用“世俗”这个词来形容每一种外在的、属肉体的影响力,就是魔鬼设计来网罗生灵犯罪的事物。The Bible uses the term "world" to describe every external, fleshly influence which the devil has devised to attract the soul into sin.

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他们的问题主要是出于属肉体的旧人,然而,在神的眼中,这老我的旧人已经与基督同钉十字架了。Most, if not all of them, had come out of their own fleshly nature-the old sin nature that in God's sight had been crucified with Christ.

佛陀劝我们回过头来看这个身体,从其中看出法的实相,而不需要进行改变与破坏。Buddha advised us to turn inwardly, to find the truth of the Dharma within this fleshly body, there's no need to change or destroy anything.

你看见他肉身的手指尖如何改变肤色,看起来好像他们通过帽子的表面和超过那边。One can see how his fleshly hand changes color at the fingertips, which look as though they are passing into the surface of the hat and beyond.