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脊柱按摩疗法会有些帮助。Chiropractic will help a little.

脊神经疗法对身体的益处与瑜伽相似。The physical benefits of chiropractic are similar to those of yoga.

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慢性病通过脊神经疗法或者瑜伽均可获得显著疗效。Chronic conditions are managed equally well with chiropractic or yoga.

如果您有一些脊椎半脱位的情形,最好趁早做好脊椎保健。So, if you have subluxations, you could be a good candidate for chiropractic care.

只有针灸、脊椎指压治疗或者推拿术才能实现彻底治愈。A permanent cure will only be effected by acupuncture, chiropractic or manipulation.

查看本在手,足部疼痛的免费视频由一个脊椎治疗专家论证。View a demonstration by a chiropractic expert in this free video on hand and foot pain.

目地观察美式正脊治疗椎动脉型颈椎病的疗效。Objective To evaluate clinical effects of Chiropractic therapy on Cervical spondylopathy.

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它结合了物理疗法、整骨疗法、脊椎推拿疗法和手工医学的方法。It combines methods used in physical therapy, osteopathy, chiropractic and manual medicine.

她为一名脖子扭伤的人尝试了手疗法还帮助照顾一名癌症晚期的牧师。She sought chiropractic treatments for a neck injury and helped nurse a priest dying of cancer.

现在只有整骨疗法和脊椎指压治疗法两种辅助疗法被完全纳入了法律监管范围。Currently, osteopathy and chiropractic are the only alternative treatments fully regulated by law.

拉皮尔县的一家按摩所,在接受客户支付方式上,颇有创造力。A chiropractic office in Lapeer County's Deerfield Township allows creativity when it comes to payment.

反对疫苗接种的少数人常常是追逐天然康复或是相信传统按摩疗法的人们。The minority opposing them were often followers of natural healing or traditional chiropractic beliefs.

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通过尽快求助于脊神经医生,你可以防止目前的症状继续恶化而成为困扰终生的慢性病。By promptly seeking the care of a chiropractic physician, you can prevent a condition from becoming chronic.

法律,脊椎治疗和骨疗法医生必须注册与适当的专业团体。By law, chiropractic and osteopathy practitioners must be registered with the appropriate professional bodies.

结果表明,捏脊疗法对正常胃运动有加强作用,对抑制的胃运动亦有显著加强作用。The results show that chiropractic therapy can improve the normal stomach motion and inhibited stomach motion.

即使一个人认同这种错位猜想,但脊椎指压治疗法也无法改变错位的脊柱。Even if one buys the subluxation hypothesis, gentle chiropractic manipulations would not change a dislocated spine.

脊神经学与瑜伽各自的积极方面共同支持了一个理论体系,它可以指导健康,预防疾病。The complimentary facets of chiropractic and yoga jointly provide a system of lifelong therapeutic benefit and illness prevention.

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使用电力推动振动器、按摩、脊椎按摩疗法或者是整骨疗法操作有助于产生所想要的效果。Use of an electrically-driven vibrator, massage, chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation should help to produce the needed effect.

脊神经医生的首要目标是确保人体内所有关节可以正常、充分地伸展运动。The primary goal of the chiropractic physician is to ensure that the motion between all joints in the body is proper and sufficient.

美式脊椎矫正学起源于1895年的美国,目前遍及世界许多国家,是被WHO认可的广为流行的一种自然疗法。The Chiropractic origin in 1895 USA, at present spreads the world many countries, was one kind naturopathy approval by the WHO and popular widely.