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我要跳啦。I’ll jump.

安能跳得远。Ann can jump far.

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单脚跳。Jump on one foot.

你跳海我就跳海!You jump I jump !

你跳楼啦。You jump building.

他挑唆我跳。He dared me to jump.

他果然抢枪了。He did jump the gun.

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茱莉亚你先跳吧。You jump first Julia.

你准备好了纵身一跃吗?Are you ready to jump?

她的心怦的一跳。Her heart gave a jump.

我高兴得想跳起来!I want to jump for joy!

让我们一起跳进去吧!Let’s jump in together!

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或者跳进深渊之中。Or jump into the abyss.

那条消息使我惊跳起来。That news made me jump.

您跳转,我也跳转。You jump, tods, I jump.

马越过障碍物。The horse took the jump.

后撤步跳投。Back step shot with jump.

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别跳进水池子里。Don't jump into the pool.

超空间跳跃准备好了。Hyperdrive jump is ready.

这些小跳步是怎么回事?What's the skip hot jump?