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藤条潮湿时易弯曲。Cane is pliable when wet.

引流物应是软而易弯的。The drain should be soft and pliable.

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柔软盖板,盖合严实不泄露。Soft pliable lid provides leak resistant seal.

在这件事上,以色列政府更为强硬。On this the Israeli government is less pliable.

优秀散打运动员比一般运动员的坚韧性与总分更好。Elite Sanshou players were more pliable than the general players.

柔性模型材料,包括模型粘土,软胶件。H. Pliable modelling materials , including modelling clays and gels.

要保留你的石膏柔韧多一点的时间来把一切理顺吗?Want to keep your plaster pliable a bit longer to get it all smoothed out?

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甚麽?那个老顽固终于顽石点头了?你怎麽做到的?What? That stubborn old stone turns into pliable clay? How did you do that?

油漆清洁泥是一种柔软,有可塑性的条形泥巴,它里面包含研磨材料。Paint cleaning clay is a soft, pliable bar of abrasives suspended in a clay.

每个人都有自己的个性,没必要把自己所有的棱角都磨平去取悦所有的人。Everyone has his personality, we have no need to being pliable to please all people.

为了了解清理工作的过程,我们用一根柔软材质制作的长管来演示。To see how this cleaning movement works, picture a long hose made of a pliable material.

既能去唇上死皮,又能让嘴唇强韧,不怕打哈欠了。Can die already skin, can let labial strong pliable but strong again, not be afraid of gape.

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纤维是柔韧的毛发状细丝,其直径相对于长度来说是非常小的。A fiber is a pliable hairlike strand that is very small in diameter in relation to its length.

当我们舒服满意时,血液流至手上,手暖和而柔软。When we are comfortable and contented blood flows into the hands making them warm and pliable.

黑线比塑料纸其他部位吸收更多热量,使黑线变得柔韧,那部分就能变成折痕和边,就像这个立方体一样。The black lines absorb more heat than the rest of the sheet, causing those parts to become pliable.

韧劲十足的日本队顽强追赶,终于在第三节结束时追成34平。Pliable ten full Team Japan pursues tenaciously , finally when the third conclusion pursues evenly 34.

人是一种非常善于隐忍的动物,什么都能适应---费奥多尔。陀思妥耶夫…Man is a pliable animal, a being who gets accustomed to everything! ---Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Russian writer.

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人是一种善于忍耐的动物,什么都能适应---费奥多尔。陀思妥耶夫斯基,俄罗斯作家。Man is a pliable animal, a being who gets accustomed to everything---Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Russian novelist.

剑麻纱条干均匀、拉力强,是各种剑麻制品良好的材料。The sisal yarn being even with strong and pliable texture can be made into various kinds of sisal products.

本文应用柔线力学原理分析了开口时经纱的受力状态。According to th mechanics of pliable thread, forces which are applied on warp sheets at shedding were analysed.