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更大的损失将来自于进一步垄断的铁矿石市场。Bigger cost would come from further monopolization of iron ore market.

有线电视网络未来的趋势将是兼并、垄断和重组。The trend of CATV network will be annexation, monopolization and recombination.

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而要改变用户的习惯的唯一方法就是获得垄断的地位。The only method to change buyer's habit is inquiring the monopolization position.

LCOS技术作为一种新兴的微显示技术,是目前世界上唯一没有垄断性专利的技术。LCOS is a rising micro display technology which is the only one without monopolization.

美联储的力量来自于它垄断了货币的生产。The Fed's influence comes about because of its monopolization of the creation of money.

首先引用的是美国经济学家海默的“垄断优势”理论。First of all, it is the Monopolization Superiority Theory of American Economist S. Hymer.

承储企业要实现从垄断经营到竞争经营的观念转变。The operation of contracted enterprises should change from monopolization to competition.

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说明个体公民与全民财产之间是一种间接关系,缺乏独占性。The individual citizen has indirect relation with national assets, short of monopolization.

“隐形冠军”能够在所在市场中处于垄断地位,有其深刻的原因。There exist many reasons for the monopolization of "the recessive championship" in the market.

正如同其它很多产业一样,软件业已经形成了高度集中的垄断市场结构。Just like many other domains, the software domain have form the structure of highly monopolization.

而且表现垄断性、无竞争性、低效率性。Moreover the performance monopolization , does not have competitiveness, the low efficiency might as well.

社会保险的产生和发展打破了侵权法一统天下的局面。The occurrence and the development of the social insurance broke the law of tot's monopolization situation.

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“水床效应”既可能会加剧零售市场垄断化趋势,又可能损害消费者权利。The waterbed effects not only accelerate monopolization in retailing but also deteriorate consumers' welfare.

并且,在知识经济中,寡头垄断的风险要远远高于工业经济。And in the knowledge economy, the dangers of a monopolization are perhaps even greater than in industrial economies.

专卖经营因其双赢的独特魅力,成为当今世界最流行和最成功的一种营销模式。As a win-win business, the brand monopolization has become a very popular and successful marketing mode in the world.

双寡头垄断是我国当前移动通信市场的格局。The three-oligarch monopolization will maybe the regulatory reformation tropism of Chinese mobile communication market.

英国散商影响了英国对华贸易的一系列政策,最终导致废止了东印度公司对华贸易的垄断权。Their behavior influenced a series of policy of British, made monopolization of the East India Company to be abrogated.

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通过算例分析得出了回收契约能够很好地解决在买方或卖方市场条件下供应链处于均衡状态时的利润分配。To perishable products monopolization supply chain, a lot of supplier adopt buy-back contract and return policy, so it i.

西北地区高等教育呈现地域性、内向性、垄断性和流失型的特点。In the northwest region, higher education presents the characters of the region, introversion, monopolization and outflow.

使垄断或者试图垄断一个市场成为非法的,并禁止会导致垄断的共谋。Makes it illegal to monopolize or attempt to monopolize a market and prohibits conspiracies that result in monopolization.