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罗斯得到一副耳环。Ross gets an ear-ring.

陈述句的末尾应该有一句号。Ross is a girl of the period.

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谢谢,罗斯。-用来叫你停止的好吧。Thanks, Ross. -I'm paying you to stop.

威尔·罗斯在尼日利亚报道。From Nigeria Will Ross has this report.

罗斯和乔伊厌烦地看着他。Ross and Joey are watching disgustedly.

艾蜜莉一事以后,罗斯怎样了?。How's Ross doing since all the Emily stuff?

我命令你别去烦罗斯,去追回戴弗!I say you leave Ross alone and go get Dave!

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罗斯考虑要组织离婚男人俱乐部。Ross ponders starting a divorced men's club.

莫妮卡和罗斯为家族的“盖勒杯”争得头破血流。Monica and Ross compete for the "Geller Cup."

“如果忽略它,情况会变得更糟,”罗斯说。“If you ignore it, it will get worse,” Ross says.

你知道吗?罗斯,你是对的他才应该当你的伴郞。Ross , you were right. He should be your best man.

那是贝茜·罗斯和第一面美国国旗。And there's Betsy Ross and the first American flag.

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假如萝丝不慎睡著了,婴儿的妈妈会鞭笞她。If Ross fell asleep, the baby's mother whipped her.

罗斯和依丽莎白继续地下情。Ross and Elizabeth continue their "secret" romance.

吉姆和梅是在同一个班,对不对?Ross or May are in the differerent class, aren'twe?

罗斯从过道出现,傻笑着。Cut to Ross emerging from a hallway, grinning inanely.

菲比和罗斯分别同一对即将离婚的夫妇约会。Phoebe and Ross date a couple who're getting divorced.

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要不要到我家去看看罗斯·布雷克纳的作品?Want to go back to my place and see the Ross Bleckner?

很多讽刺斐洛的漫画都夸张地强调他的大耳朵。Many caricatures of Ross Perot exaggerate his big ears.

根据传统,由贝琪·罗斯女士缝制第一面旗帜。According to tradition, Betsy Ross sewed the first flag.