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我认为马杜罗非常有用。I think Maduro looks very useful.

马杜罗称自己将否决这项法案。Mr Maduro has said he will veto the bill.

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但是请别说他比马杜罗强,不能这么说。Wouldn't say better than Maduro , not yet anyway.

马杜罗跟随的是卡斯特罗的统治蓝图。This Maduro is following Castro's governing blueprint.

马杜罗仅仅在西班牙几个月,你不能很好的比较。Maduro 's only been in Spain for a few months, you can't really compare.

桑吉诺是马杜罗的政治盟友,也是执政的联合社会党的成员。Sanguino is a political ally of Maduro and a member of the ruling United Socialist Party.

然而,马杜罗坚持完成任期直到2019年卸任。Nevertheless, Maduro insists that he will remain in office until his term expires in 2019.

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阿贾克斯22岁中场球员马杜罗的经纪人透露尤文图斯对其有兴趣。The agent of Ajax midfielder Hedwiges Maduro has revealed the interest of Juventus in the 22 year-old.

报道称,总统马杜罗表示委内瑞拉是其对手发动的经济战的受害者。President Maduro reportedly says that Venezuela is the victim of an economic war waged by his opponents.

尤文图斯体育主管阿莱西奥·塞科准备在下周和阿贾克斯的中场海德维格斯·马杜罗的经纪人进行谈话。Juventus chief Alessio Secco is set for talks with the agent of Ajax midfielder Hedwiges Maduro next week.

不管怎样他和马杜罗交朋友都是在浪费时间,因为他把失败怪到其他人头上。In any case its a waste of time to make friends with Maduro because je needs to blame his failures on others.

委内瑞拉外交部长马杜罗本星期说,委内瑞拉将捍卫自己的石油政策和主权。This week, Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro said the country would defend its oil policies and its sovereignty.

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马杜罗在查韦斯的家乡会见了他的亲属和支持者,并承诺继续实施查韦斯的社会改革项目。Mr. Maduro met relatives and supporters of Mr. Chavez in his hometown and vowed to continue his social reform program.

委内瑞拉总统马杜罗去年以安全为理由关闭了与哥伦比亚之间的边界,但是下令这个星期天临时开放。Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro closed the border last year for security reasons, but ordered Sunday's temporary lapse.

马杜罗总统去年9月成功对中国进行国事访问,有力促进了中委关系进一步发展。Last September, President Maduro paid a successful state visit to China, giving a strong boost to China-Venezuela relations.

如果马杜罗想要稳定那里的人口,他就得控制住通胀并且让人们都有工作。If Maduro wants to simmer down the population there, he needs to get the inflation under control and get people back to work.

民调显示该国的临时总统尼古拉斯·马杜罗可能胜出,他是由查韦斯选作继承人的。Opinion polls suggest the country's acting president Nicolas Maduro is likely to win. He was chosen by Mr. Chavez as his successor.

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马杜罗说,美国政府企图破坏委内瑞拉的稳定,并把委内瑞拉变成一个生产石油的殖民地。Maduro says the U.S. government is trying to destabilize Venezuela and convert the nation into what he called an oil-producing colony.

马杜罗说查韦斯已经结束他所谓的后手术时期,开始在哈瓦那的新治疗阶段。Mr Maduro said the Venezuelan leader had now finished what he called the post-operative period and was entering a new phase of treatment in Havana.

都灵体育报称尤文一直和马杜罗保持有联系,也将在来年马上给这名年轻中场球员一份合同。Tuttosport says Juve are maintaining contact with Maduro 's representatives and will make an offer to the young midfielder at the turn of the year.