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因为你不认识露丝Well, you don't know Ruth.

“唔,嗯,”露丝口吃了。“Well, eh,” Ruth stuttered.

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“唔,嗯,”露丝口吃了。"Well, eh, " Ruth stuttered.

我想请鲁瑟?史密斯先生讲话好吗?。May I speak to Mr. Ruth Smith?

谨向您和鲁思问候。My best regards to you and Ruth.

但是照片和露丝很相似But the photograph resembles Ruth.

所以贝比鲁斯来到了医院。So Babe Ruth came to the hospital.

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而他爱露丝又甚于爱美。And more than beauty he loved Ruth.

路得实在预示了「基督的心」!Ruth prefigures the mind of Christ!

“好主意!”玛丽和鲁丝齐声答道。"Good idea! " replied Mary or Ruth.

“它适合一个美食家,”露丝说。“It’s fit for a gourmet,” said Ruth.

贝比鲁斯被安葬在纽约市附近。Babe Ruth is buried near New York City.

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直深及到腿部,一副惨象。Deep in the thigh, a spectacle of ruth.

玛丽喜欢使别人当众出丑。Ruth likes to show people up in public.

当罗思在划艇上划船的时候,鲁斯也在划船。Ruth rowed as Roth rode in the rowboat.

于是,波阿斯娶了路得为妻,与她同房。So Boaz took Ruth and she became his wife.

波阿斯对路淂表现出那些恩典?What kinds of grace did Boas show to Ruth?

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我有一张我朋友露丝的照片I might have a photograph of my friend Ruth.

我记起了很多关于露丝的事情I remember various things I know about Ruth.

露丝呼吸困难地快速冲下陡峭的山丘。Ruth raced down the steep hill, breathing hard.