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还有你的臭脚。And your smelly feet.

您喜欢臭的食物?You love smelly food?

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可是“臭臭猫”呢?But then "Smelly Cat"?

脱下你的臭袜子。Take off your smelly socks.

这些是脏的、发出臭味的衣服。These are dirty, smelly clothes.

只剩下臭哄哄的奶酪了。All that's left is smelly cheese.

垃圾发出一阵臭味。The rubbish gave out a smelly gas.

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你是臭屁!Mommy, I pass smelly gas! What am I?

还是把机会留给臭印度人吧。Nahh, just give it to the smelly Indian.

通常来说,是什么让注释有“臭味”?What makes comments so smelly in general?

为什么不好好利用一下这些臭臭的东西呢?Why not put the smelly stuff to good use?

我喜欢大多数的中国菜,但是不喜欢臭豆腐。I like the smelly bean curd there very much.

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阿加西把一条腥臭难闻的鱼放在他面前。Agassiz placed in front of him a smelly fish.

不见得,他是个小人,对吧?Not necessarily. Smelly little bugger, was he?

而他那臭豆腐袜还没离开过那幅墙。And his smelly old sock has been stuck to the wall.

他被带到一个小小的湖泊里,整天运载着一堆堆腥臭的死鱼。Every day he brought in loads of dead, smelly fish.

你再来,我踩断你的臭脚!You again come, I trample to wreck your smelly feet!

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在鞋里放干茶叶包可以去除鞋里的臭味。Stop smelly shoes by placing dry tea bags inside them.

本质上,我们的世界就好象是一个巨大的臭气难闻的养猪厂。Essentially, our world is like a large smelly pig farm.

这里脏,热而且臭,“她充满渴望地说。”“It’s dirty, hot and smelly here, ” she said wistfully.