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她是一位寡妇。She was a widow.

我母亲是一个寡妇。My mother is a widow.

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那个寡妇哭成了泪人儿。The widow weltered in tears.

那寡妇穿著黑衣服。The widow was garbed in black.

他遗下寡妻和两个儿子。He leaves a widow and two sons.

1952年我成了一名寡妇,至今。I have been a widow since 1952.

侯爵夫人愤愤地说,“你真是太傻,太孩子气了。The wife or widow of a margrave.

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他死后撇下寡妻和两个孩子。He left a widow and two children.

现在他的遗孀掌握了他的线索。And now his widow owned his clues.

郝思嘉再次成为寡妇。Scarlett once again become a widow.

我们的黑寡妇又找上门了。Once again, the black widow is back.

现在他的寡妇决定将相册出售。His widow has now decided to sell it.

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伤心的寡妇乞怜。The sorrowful widow begged for mercy.

你看见那个人了吗,那是圣克莱尔夫人。You see that one?The widow St. Clair?

这个寡妇跳进火葬柴堆。The widow leapt into the funeral pyre.

寡妇是一个很有智慧的女人。The widow was a woman of great wisdom.

一下子寡妇会召见您的,尊贵的爵士。The widow will see you next, noble ser.

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洋葱头甚至可以使遗产继承人或寡妇也哭起来。Onions can make even heir and widow weep.

那个寡妇已经立遗嘱把她的全部财产处理掉。The widow has willed away all her fortune.

她已经是个寡妇了,我不能让她守活寡。She is a widow, and I can not let her widow.