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由单一公司统治市场的局面。A ascendance of the market by a azygos company.

目前,悲观主义者可能看上去占了上风。At present the pessimists might appear in the ascendance.

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对于德国而言,中国的超越可谓一把双刃剑。For Germany, the ascendance of China has been a double-edged sword.

欣克利角核电站项目的突然反转是由中国的崛起所带来的困境。The swift reversal on Hinkley Point C epitomises the dilemma posed by China's ascendance.

前财政部长鲁宾隐约警告说,在不远的将来,中国的优势可能受挫。Former Treasury Secretary Rubin vaguely warned that China's ascendance may backfire in the not-too-distant future.

2008年北京奥运会鲜丽的烟火,被视为是道贺中国为世界强国的礼。The splendid fireworks of the Beijing Olympics in 2008 are seen as marking China's ascendance into world power status.

2008年北京奥运会灿烂的烟火,被视为是庆祝中国成为世界强国的礼花。The splendid fireworks of the Beijing Olympics in 2008 are seen as marking China’s ascendance into world power status.

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自从20世纪50年代显像管电视机风靡以来,电视机就被指责为降低美国公众智力的罪魁祸首。Television has been blamed for the dumbing down of the American public since the ascendance of the boob tube in the 1950s.

阿肯纳顿赴世后,有名的“少年法老”图坦卡蒙继位,不久阿玛纳城也差不多被荒废。The city was largely abandoned shortly after his death and the ascendance of the famous boy king Tutankhamun to the throne.

尽管中国一向被认为缺乏“软实力”,但它在经济和管理上的许多理念却逐渐成为主流。Although China is often said to lack "soft power", many of its ideas on economics and governance are coming into ascendance.

另一人物丁梅斯代尔牧师则在经历一段越走越黑暗的旅途后,完成了短暂的上升阶段。After a descending journey that turned out even darker along with the steps, Arthur Dimmesdale completed his brief ascendance.

他没有以次谋取暴利,而是凭借其惊人的创造力和才华,特别是凭借中国的第一人的地位他赢得了这当之无愧的荣誉。He earns it because of his shiny novelty and flair, and, perhaps especially, because he is an avatar of the Chinese ascendance.

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因此,拼音文字与其语言之间的主仆关系并不存在于汉字与汉语之间。Therefore, the ascendance of pronunciation over writing is not true for Chinese characters even if it is true for phonetic systems.

尽管如此,90岁高龄的他仍然乐于看到他的同胞重新浮现为全球优势的严肃挑战者。Still, at 90 years of age, he has had the pleasure of seeing his own countrymen re-emerge as serious challengers for global ascendance.

结果1、十一年来新医大一附院消化科肝硬化的发病构成比及病死率平稳下降,但住院量有上升趋势。Results 1. The constituent ratio and fatality rate of liver cirrhosis reduced reposefully, but the in-patient quantity takes on ascendance trend.

郎朗,这位音乐奇才,华裔巨星,凭借其卓越的创造力和才华获得了巨大的收益。Lang is a superb, evolving musician, who earns huge fees because of his novelty and his flair-and because he is an avatar of the Chinese ascendance.

CPJ在报告中称,网络媒体在中国的重要程度超过了其它任何国家,入狱的28人中有24名网络作家。"Nowhere is the ascendance of Internet journalism more evident than in China, where 24 of 28 jailed journalists worked online, " said the CPJ report.

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帕特森以古代世界开始,探讨了罗马获得主宰地位,尤其是他们在布匿战争中击败迦太基人的流行解释。Paterson begins in the ancient world, considering popular explanations for the ascendance of Rome and, in particular, their victory over Carthage in the Punic Wars.

中国通常使用策略来处理其非凡的全球性崛起,给邻国保证它仍然是一个发展中国家,着手于“和平崛起”。China has generally handled its extraordinary global ascendance with finesse, assuring neighbors that it remains a developing country and is embarked on a "peaceful rise."

“菅”姓在中国并不多见,但至少有一位姓菅的中国博客作者表示,自己因为菅直人的姓氏而欢迎他出任日本首相。The surname Jian is not common in China and at least one Chinese observer, a blogger named Jian, welcomed Kan's ascendance to Japan's top political position for that reason.