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蜜蜂窝很暖和。Honey bees brood warm.

一只母鸡在孵小鸡。The hen rears her brood.

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不要生气或焦虑。Don't sulk, mope or brood.

该是母鸡孵蛋的时候了。It is time for hens to brood.

你好像有什么事闷在心里。You seem to brood over things.

你们这些蛇类,毒蛇之种阿,怎能逃脱地狱的刑罚呢。You snakes! You brood of vipers!

不必对通货膨胀问题忧心忡忡。It's no need to brood over inflation.

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这一窝共孵出了十二只小鸡。There are twelve chickens in this brood.

命大地吞噬自己宠爱的幼婴。And make the earth devour her own sweet brood.

她因儿子宰了传种的母鸡而对他十分恼火。She is mad at her son for killing the brood hen.

挣扎的雄鱼终于释放出他的小鱼。The struggling brooder finally releases his brood.

这只母袋鼩有一窝嗷嗷待哺的小家伙要照顾。She has a brood of hungry youngsters to look after.

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这是这尾彭亨金金底过背种亲今年的第二批仔鱼。Second brood this year for this Pahang Gold brooder.

他们家的蜂王和她的婴儿蜜蜂育雏。They house the queen bee and her brood of baby bees.

两位正期待着他们的第一胎鳄鱼宝宝出世。They were expecting their first brood of baby crocks.

作为历史学家,我们关心的是研究历史。As historians we brood about the study of the history.

如今,修道院的遗迹散布在惠特比的郊外。Now, the abbey ruins brood on the outskirts of Whitby.

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您倒不如把一个生客丢给一群老虎的好!You might as well leave a stranger with a brood of tigers!

人犹犹豫豫,时间却一往无前。While people brood , time skips ahead without looking back.

然后我们突然出现并脱光衣服,捕猎生虫的幼鸟,这里士兵们脱光衣服。Then we all sprang up and stript To hunt the verminous brood.