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什么是心理疗法?Q. What is psychotherapy?

他说,梦的功能类似于心理疗法。Dreams, he said, function like psychotherapy.

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好吧,其实心理治疗的确是一件难事。Well, psychotherapy is real work and is often hard.

阳痿的暗示疗法是心理疗法的一种。Impotent allusive therapeutics is a kind of psychotherapy.

最常见的治疗手段是药物和心理疗法。The most common treatments are medication and psychotherapy.

有些心理治疗流派会更为恰当。Some schools of psychotherapy are more appropriate than others.

这也是心理治疗中医患关系最有乐趣的一点。That is a part of the special joy of a psychotherapy relationship.

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而通过精神疗法改变行为则可以平息右侧尾状核的活动。Changing behavior through psychotherapy can dial down that nucleus.

从那以后,有关迷幻剂治疗法的研究也受到了限制。Since then, the study of psychedelic psychotherapy has been limited.

对于轻到中度抑郁,心理疗法将是最佳治疗选择。For mild to moderate depression, psychotherapy may be the best option.

目的探索综合心理疗法对场所恐惧症的效果。Object To explore the effect of Eclectic Psychotherapy in agoraphobia.

在某些状况下,催眠可以提高心理疗法的效果。Hypnosis can boost the effectiveness of psychotherapy for some conditions.

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本文运用精神分析的观点和方法讨论了心理治疗中吸烟的现象。Smoking in the psychotherapy was discussed from the view of psychodynamics.

非药物治疗则包括心理疗法及电疗法。Nonpharmacological treatments include psychotherapy and electroshock therapy.

术后进行心理治疗以及在康复理疗师指导下进行功能锻炼。After the surgery the patients received psychotherapy and hand rehabilitation.

萨提尔家庭治疗模式是建立在经验人本理论基础之上的。The Satir family therapy model is based on experiential-humanistic psychotherapy.

无为自化思想是治疗过程的最佳体现。Laozi's thought of inaction is the best expression in the process of psychotherapy.

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仅仅通过用心理疗法来教育患者和他家人是可以实现的。This is possible only by educating the addict and his family through psychotherapy.

近十年来,以人为中心的心理治疗获得了长足的发展。Person-centered psychotherapy has undergone major developments in the recent decade.

针对这些案例,采取心理辅导级心理质量或许是最好的治疗方法。In these cases, the best treatment might be relationship counseling or psychotherapy.