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但这些山脉崎岖不平,光秃秃的。But these were rugged and bare.

老水手满是皱纹的脸。The rugged face of the old sailor.

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光荣之路常坎坷。The path to glory is always rugged.

他们在坎坷不平的乡村小路上走着。They walk on the rugged country road.

大陆是崎岖不平的高地。The continents form rugged tablelands.

其布面凹凸不平,有轻微的按摩作用。Its rugged cloth cover, a slight massage role.

凹凸不平的凿铝为这一进程。Rugged aluminum encasing for the process unit.

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我们深一脚浅一脚地穿过了那块高低不平的洼地。We were hobbled through the rugged depression.

设有防滚架保护燃烧器。Burners protected by a rugged roll cage design.

妙峰古道,原为土路,崎岖难行。Miao-Feng Road, formerly the dirt roads, rugged.

那些粗糙的老榆树下,紫杉荫里。Beneath those rugged elms, that yew-tree's shade.

落基山脉有崇山峻岭和崎岖不平的道路。The Rocky Mountains have rugged mountains and roads.

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北大西洋狂暴的天气使我害怕。The rugged weather of the North Atlantic frightens me.

瘤周胸膜可呈结节状或凹凸不平的改变。Zhou pleural tumors can be a nodular or rugged change.

这里又有一座高低不平的城堡建在悬崖绝壁之上。Here another rugged castle crowns the cliffs and crags.

新款和经典的迷彩印花在都市街道上显得粗犷硬朗。New and classic camo prints look rugged on urban streets.

崎岖的海岸上拥有欧洲最好的沙滩。The rugged coast has some of the finest beaches in Europe.

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这种坚固的支架可以处理多达800毫米的镜头。This rugged support is ready to handle lenses up to 800mm.

正义的路是崎岖的路,它只欢迎勇敢的人。The road of justice is rugged and only welcomes brae people.

良好坚固的密封适合室内和室外应用。It is well-sealed for rugged indoor and outdoor applications.