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源自汗腺的上皮癌是罕见的。Eccrine carcinoma of the sweat gland is rare.

我们报道一例40岁男性发生在臀部的小汗腺汗孔瘤。We reported one case of eccrine poroma, which was located on the hip of a 40-year-old man.

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皮肤温度对人体外泌汗腺拟胆碱药敏感性的影响。Effect of skin temperature on the cholinergic sensitivity of the human eccrine sweat gland.

目的研究皮肤小汗腺肿瘤细胞表面凝集素受体的分布及变化规律。Objective To study the location and distribution of lectin-receptors in eccrine gland tumors.

上方真皮层中含有毫毛囊、皮脂腺及汗腺。Vellus hair follicles, sebaceous glands and eccrine glands in the overlying dermis were also noted.

汗孔瘤是发生于皮肤的良性附属器肿瘤,中年人多见,无性别倾向。Eccrine poroma is a benign adnexal skin tumor seen in middle aged individuals with no sex predilection.

外泌汗腺细胞CK7、CK19免疫组织化学染色均为阳性。The immunohistochemistry staining of CK7, CK19 was positive in subculture eccrine sweat gland duct cells.

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人体的汗液实质上是一种含有痕量其它血浆电解质的稀氯化钠溶液。Human eccrine sweat is essentially a dilute solution of sodium chloride with trace amounts of other plasma electrolytes.

目的探讨建立人皮肤汗腺细胞体外分离及纯化培养的技术。Objective To investigate the method of isolation and purification of epithelial cells of human eccrine sweat gland in vitro.

病理检查为表皮层有扩张的汗管伴随局部过度角化和棘层肥厚。The histopathologic examination revealed dilatation of intracorneal eccrine ducts with mild focal hyperkeratosis and acanthosis.

心肌纤维、十二指肠腺上皮细胞、胰腺细胞颗粒变性。Granular degeneration appeared in myocardium, epithelia of intestinal gland of duodenum and epithelia of eccrine part of pancreas.

方法采用免疫组化方法对6例恶性小汗腺汗孔瘤的石蜡包埋标本进行检测,并对其中2例进行透射电镜观察。Methods 6 paraffin embedded samples of malignant eccrine poroma were studied immunohistochemically, and 2 cases were observed by TEM.

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皮肤原发性黏液性腺癌是少见的汗腺分化型皮肤附件肿瘤,多半往浆液性细胞分化。Primary mucinous carcinoma of the skin is a rare adnexal neoplasm differentiating toward sweat gland, most of which is the eccrine type.

结论鳞样小汗腺导管癌是一种非常罕见的低度恶性肿瘤,局部切除后可复发,未见转移报道。Conclusions Squamoid eccrine ductal carcinoma is an exceedingly rare low-grade malignant tumor and can recur after excision but do not metastasize.

外分泌汗腺由交感神经系统控制,当身体温度升高时分泌水分至皮肤表面,蒸发散热。Eccrine sweat glands, controlled by the sympathetic nervous system, use evaporation to cool the skin by secreting water when body temperature rises.

我们报告两位出现多发性汗腺囊瘤的中年女性病人其临床、病理特色以及治疗方法。Here, we present the clinicopathological features of and treatment modality for two middle-aged female patients with multiple eccrine hidrocystomas.

结论小汗腺肿瘤在癌变过程中,其细胞表面复合糖糖基及细胞正常结构发生了有意义的变化。Conclusion The sugar residue on cell surface and normal cell structure is obviously changed in the course of malignant changing of eccrine gland tumors.

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当体温升高时,交感神经系统刺激汗腺将水分分泌到体表,并蒸发来冷却体温。When the Body temperature rises, the sympathetic nervous system stimulates eccrine sweat glands to secrete water to the skin surface, where it cools the Body by evaporation.