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从现在开始,议事日程必须是纯然采用法律行动。Instead a purely legalistic attack must be the order from now on.

也许他们都生长于教会oppressively守法。Maybe they were raised in a church that was oppressively legalistic.

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真正的许可并不等同于假定的或是法定的许可。Real permission is different from presumed or legalistic permission.

我跟他的律师谈过了,但是我所得到的只是一大串没法理解的法律术语。I talked to his lawyer but all I got was a string of legalistic abracadabra.

犹太人都是尊重律法的,而我们基督徒都是充满救恩和真理的。The Jews are all legalistic and we Christians are all full of grace and truth.

“举例来说,评论,对其中的教堂下面包括”非常法律性。For example, a commentary on one of the Churches below includes very legalistic.

中国正试图通过法律来捍卫向恰希玛出售第三和第四个反应堆的正当性。China is trying a legalistic defence of the sale of the third and fourth reactors at Chasma.

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我是否有律法主义?除了上帝话提到的条件外,是否认为加上额外的条件才可称义?Am I legalistic? Do I try to "add any extra condition for achieving righteousness" other than what God's Word says?

有些人害怕敬拜神,是因为他们误会了,以为敬拜了神,他们就要常常律法式的自我判断。Some people fear worshiping God because they wrongly think that means they have to become judgmental and legalistic.

然而在医学研究所的督促下,值班时间限制的监管仍需要一个更加合乎法律的规范。Yet the matter of monitoring duty hours—made urgent bythe IOM and its recommendations—requires a more legalistic approach.

奥巴马将自己定位为反恐怖主义指挥官,埋葬了他曾在哈佛教授过的法律多边主义。Styling himself as an anti-terrorist commander, Mr. Obama buried the legalistic multilateralism that he had taught at Harvard.

我不知道他是否会跟我们和解。我跟他的律师谈过了,但是我所得到的只是一大串没法理解的法律术语。I don't know if he will compromise with us or not. I talked to his lawyer but all I got was a string of legalistic abracadabra.

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这个“法律宣传册”称他有45天的时间可以选择退出Verizon个人信息分享计划。A "legalistic pamphlet" that informed him he has 45 days to opt out of 'agreeing' to let Verizon share his personal information.

有时候,那些灵性长进最快的人,把自己和那些假冒为善、追求律法上完美的人相比较时,可能会感到自卑。Sometimes those who are growing the most may feel inferior to those who maintain a hypocritical façade of legalistic perfection.

人们常说︰再没有一种力量比适时出现的新思想更强大,也再没有比墨守陈规更有害的事了。No longer a force in a timely emergence of new ideas than the more powerful, and none is as poorly legalistic more harmful things.

有人声称,这项公投,即使通过,也不会等于是要更改名称。Arguments that the referendum, even if passed, would not amount to a pursuit of name change, frankly, strike us as purely legalistic.

的确,西乃之约的完成与神所设立的律法时代就标志了另一个时代的开始。True, the conclusion of the Covenant on Sinai and the legalistic dispensation which God instituted then mark the beginning of another epoch.

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他的助手发表的那些法律性的表明美国永不签署明确援助计划的声明恰恰在传达着错误的信息。The legalistic claims by some of his aides that the United States never really signed on to hard aid targets sends precisely the wrong message.

贸易律师们表示,伯格斯登提议的第三种手段——向WTO提起申诉——可能会陷入模糊的法律困境。And trade lawyers say the third prong of Mr Bergsten's attack, a case against China at the WTO, involves plunging into a murky legalistic swamp.

虽然这样,但奥巴马也有踌躇的地方,那就是当他允许政治或法律途径来阻碍对公共安全的常识时。Where Obama has stumbled, though, is when he has allowed politics or a legalistic approach to get in the way of common sense about public safety.