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我们将实现卫生方面的成果。We will attain results for health.

人类丹青妙笔难以企及。Human indeed hard to attain clever pen.

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这些树木长到异常的高度。These trees attain to remarkable height.

愿一切众生早日成佛!May all beings attain Enlightenment soon!

人类生命的目的是得到巴克提。The aim of human life is to attain bhakti.

这就必须解放思想。To attain this goal, we must free our minds.

在这个世界上我们怎样才能获得满足?How can we attain fulfillment in this world ?

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一如用水去冲龙庙,可能做到吗?Just as use water blunt Long Miao, may attain?

为了实现它,你需要政府参与。To attain it, you need government intervention.

苦修是通向解脱的唯一的道路。Austerity is the only path to attain liberation.

你是热情的,却够不上阴谋水平。You're hot, with a level of intrigue that few attain.

凡到她那里去的不得转回,也得不着生命的路。None who go to her return or attain the paths of life.

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要达成目标,除了努力别无它法。To attain the goal, you have no choice but to work hard.

一个月三十万的目标我是会尽力去做到的。A month 300,000 targets I will make one effort to attain.

当我们放松、并允许一起可能的时候,成功也就不会太远了。Success is much easier to attain when we relax and allow.

又一帖帮助您达到法界观及心量的维他命来了。One more dose to help you attain universal views and mind.

你有足够的胆量来实现你所制定的目标吗?Are you courageous enough to attain that goal that you set?

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他为实现人生目标所下的苦功是值得称赞的。His painstaking to attain his goal in life is praiseworthy.

平凡的人达成非凡的成功----你也可以!Ordinary People Attain Extraordinary Success — You Can Too!

投资人的孩子和配偶可以在投资移民项目中获到绿卡么?Can Children and Spouse attain Green Card from EB-5 Program?